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Inertial sensor-based knee flexion/extension angle estimation (2009)
Journal Article
Cooper, G., Sheret, I., McMillian, L., Siliverdis, K., Sha, N., Hodgins, D., …Howard, D. (2009). Inertial sensor-based knee flexion/extension angle estimation. Journal of Biomechanics, 42(16), 2678-2685.

A new method for estimating knee joint flexion/extension angles from segment acceleration and angular velocity data is described. The approach uses a combination of Kalman filters and biomechanical constraints based on anatomical knowledge. In contra... Read More about Inertial sensor-based knee flexion/extension angle estimation.

Netiquette (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Hook, A., & Bodell, S. (2009, October). Netiquette. Presented at The Student Occupational Therapy Links (Scotland), Edinburgh

Working in the public sector : a case study of social services (2009)
Journal Article
Coffey, M., Dugdill, L., & Tattersall, A. (2009). Working in the public sector : a case study of social services. Journal of Social Work, 9(4), 1-23.

Summary: This article explores working conditions and quality of life in social services. The article focuses on the qualitative findings generated throughout a phased study comprising: in-depth interviews (n = 8) used to develop an original question... Read More about Working in the public sector : a case study of social services.

Menstrual cycle variations in oestradiol and progesterone have no impact on in vivo medial gastrocnemius tendon mechanical properties (2009)
Journal Article
Burgess, K., Pearson, S., & Onambélé, G. (2009). Menstrual cycle variations in oestradiol and progesterone have no impact on in vivo medial gastrocnemius tendon mechanical properties. Clinical Biomechanics, 24(6), 504-509.

Background: Tendon tissue contains oestrogen receptors and is therefore likely to be responsive to female sex hormones. Here we examine any effect of levels of female sex hormones associated with the menstrual cycle phase on corresponding tendon mech... Read More about Menstrual cycle variations in oestradiol and progesterone have no impact on in vivo medial gastrocnemius tendon mechanical properties.

Joint protection : enabling change in musculoskeletal conditions (2009)
Book Chapter
Hammond, A. (2009). Joint protection : enabling change in musculoskeletal conditions. In I. Soderback (Ed.), International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions (First Edition) (325-332). New York: Springer.

Joint protection includes applying ergonomic principles in daily life, altering working methods, using assistive devices and modifying environments. It is taught to people with musculoskeletal conditions (eg rheumatoid arthritis (RA)), osteoarthritis... Read More about Joint protection : enabling change in musculoskeletal conditions.

The immediate effect of orthotic management on grip strength of patients with lateral epicondylosis (2009)
Journal Article
Jafarian, F., Demneh, E., & Tyson, S. (2009). The immediate effect of orthotic management on grip strength of patients with lateral epicondylosis. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 39(6), 484-489.

Study design: Controlled laboratory study using a randomized crossover design.
Objective: To determine the immediate effect of 3 common types of orthoses (2 elbow counterforce orthoses and a wrist splint) on grip strength in individuals with lateral... Read More about The immediate effect of orthotic management on grip strength of patients with lateral epicondylosis.

Tendon structural and mechanical properties do not differ between genders in a healthy community-dwelling elderly population (2009)
Journal Article
Burgess, K., Pearson, S., Breen, L., & Onambélé, G. (2009). Tendon structural and mechanical properties do not differ between genders in a healthy community-dwelling elderly population. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 27(6), 820-825.

Elderly women are reportedly at higher risk of falling than their male counterparts. Postural balance is highly associated with fall risk and is also correlated with tendon structural and mechanical properties. Gender differences in tendon properties... Read More about Tendon structural and mechanical properties do not differ between genders in a healthy community-dwelling elderly population.

Rotator cuff tears in athletes (2009)
Journal Article
Auplish, S., & Funk, L. (2009). Rotator cuff tears in athletes. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 70(5), 271-275

A rotator cuff tear in the athlete is different to the classic, more common cuff tear in the elderly. It is either a traumatic or an overhead, overuse injury in high functional demand patients, so it requires more active and earlier intervention, sus... Read More about Rotator cuff tears in athletes.

Effect of acute tensile loading on gender-specific tendon structural and mechanical properties (2009)
Journal Article
Burgess, K., Graham-Smith, P., & Pearson, S. (2009). Effect of acute tensile loading on gender-specific tendon structural and mechanical properties. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 27(4), 510-516.

Stretching is commonly used prior to exercise, as it is thought to reduce the risk of injury, and it is also used in the preconditioning of tendon grafts. As tendon properties have been shown to be different between genders, it is proposed that stret... Read More about Effect of acute tensile loading on gender-specific tendon structural and mechanical properties.

Developing an online programme (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Bodell, S., & Hook, A. (2009, April). Developing an online programme. Presented at The Connected Learner, Bradford University

Assistive walking devices in nonambulant patients undergoing rehabilitation after stroke: the effects on functional mobility, walking impairments, and patients’ opinion (2009)
Journal Article
walking impairments, and patients’ opinion. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 90(3), 475-479.

Objective: To assess the immediate effects of assistive
walking devices on functional mobility, walking impairments,
and patients’ opinions in nonambulant patients after stroke.
Design: Randomized crossover trial.
Setting: Inpatient rehabilitatio... Read More about Assistive walking devices in nonambulant patients undergoing rehabilitation after stroke: the effects on functional mobility, walking impairments, and patients’ opinion.

Developing new community health roles : can reflective learning drive professional practice? (2009)
Journal Article
Dugdill, L., Coffey, M., Coufopoulos, A., Byrne, K., & Porcellato, L. (2009). Developing new community health roles : can reflective learning drive professional practice?. Reflective Practice, 10(1), 121-130.

A variety of new non-professional roles, such as health trainers and community
food workers, have evolved from recent UK public health policy developments.
These roles predominantly operate in communities characterised by extreme social
deprivatio... Read More about Developing new community health roles : can reflective learning drive professional practice?.

Electromyographic analysis of selected shoulder muscles during a rugby football tackle (2009)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., & Horsley, I. (2009). Electromyographic analysis of selected shoulder muscles during a rugby football tackle. Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy and Technology, 1, 10-17.

Background: Epidemiological studies have shown that the incidence of shoulder injuries is increasing in rugby and the majority are related to the contact/tackle phase of play. However, no data currently exists that describes preparatory muscle activi... Read More about Electromyographic analysis of selected shoulder muscles during a rugby football tackle.

Does a tackling task effect shoulder joint position sense in rugby players? (2009)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., Horsley, I., Whittaker, L., & Rolf, C. (2009). Does a tackling task effect shoulder joint position sense in rugby players?. Physical Therapy in Sport, 9(2), 67-71.

Objective: To assess the effect of a simulated tackling task on shoulder joint position sense (JPS) in rugby players. The study also
aimed to assess if differences in JPS occurred between mid range and end of range JPS, and if the tackling task had... Read More about Does a tackling task effect shoulder joint position sense in rugby players?.

Sonographic evaluation of the subclavian artery during thoracic outlet syndrome shoulder manoeuvres (2009)
Journal Article
Stapleton, C., Herrington, L., & George, K. (2009). Sonographic evaluation of the subclavian artery during thoracic outlet syndrome shoulder manoeuvres. Manual Therapy, 14(1), 19-27.

Clinical tests for vascular thoracic outlet syndrome (vTOS) generally incorporate shoulder horizontal flexion/extension (HF/HE), abduction (ABD) and external rotation (ER). The effect of these clinical tests on blood flow characteristics and the most... Read More about Sonographic evaluation of the subclavian artery during thoracic outlet syndrome shoulder manoeuvres.