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The effect of unstable sandals on single-leg standing (2013)
Journal Article
Price, C., Smith, L., Graham-Smith, P., & Jones, R. (2013). The effect of unstable sandals on single-leg standing. Footwear Science, 5(3), 147-154.

Purpose: Unstable footwear lacks peer-review published research to support concepts and claims. The present study was therefore undertaken to quantify and compare the effect of commercially available unstable sandals on single-leg balance in a health... Read More about The effect of unstable sandals on single-leg standing.

The effects of ACL injury on knee proprioception: A meta-analysis (2013)
Journal Article
Relph, N., Herrington, L., & Tyson, S. (2014). The effects of ACL injury on knee proprioception: A meta-analysis. Physiotherapy, 100(3), 187-195.

It is suggested the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) plays a significant role in knee proprioception, however, the effect of ACL injury on knee proprioception is unclear. Studies utilising the two most common measurement techniques, join... Read More about The effects of ACL injury on knee proprioception: A meta-analysis.

Cross cultural adaptation, reliability, internal consistency and validation of the Arabic version of the knee injury and osteoarthritis score (KOOS) for Egyptian people with knee injuries (2013)
Journal Article
Almangoush, A., Herrington, L., Attia, I., Jones, R., Aldawoudy, A., Abdul Aziz, A., & Waley, A. (2013). Cross cultural adaptation, reliability, internal consistency and validation of the Arabic version of the knee injury and osteoarthritis score (KOOS) for Egyptian people with knee injuries. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 21(12), 1855-1864.

Objective: The objective of this study was to cross-culturally adapt and validate the Arabic version of the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) among a sample from Egyptian populace.

Methods: This version was obtained with forward/... Read More about Cross cultural adaptation, reliability, internal consistency and validation of the Arabic version of the knee injury and osteoarthritis score (KOOS) for Egyptian people with knee injuries.

Anthropomorphic chest phantom imaging the potential for dose creep in computed radiography (2013)
Journal Article
creep in computed radiography. Radiography, 19(3), 207-211.

For film-based radiography the operator had to be exact in the selection of acquisition parameters or the
image could easily become under- or over-exposed. By contrast, digital technology allows for a much
greater tolerance of acquisition factor se... Read More about Anthropomorphic chest phantom imaging the potential for dose creep in computed radiography.

Automated detection of instantaneous gait events using time frequency analysis and manifold embedding (2013)
Journal Article
using time frequency analysis and manifold embedding. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 21(6), 908-915.

Accelerometry is a widely used sensing modality
in human biomechanics due to its portability, non-invasiveness, and accuracy. However, difficulties lie in signal variability and interpretation in relation to biomechanical events. In walking, heel st... Read More about Automated detection of instantaneous gait events using time frequency analysis and manifold embedding.

Task based rehabilitation protocol for elite athletes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction : A clinical commentary (2013)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., Myer, G., & Horsley, I. (2013). Task based rehabilitation protocol for elite athletes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction : A clinical commentary. Physical Therapy in Sport, 14(4), 188-198.

Anterior Cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are one of the most common and devastating knee injuries sustained whilst participating in sport. ACL reconstruction (ACLR) remains the standard approach for athletes who aim to return to high level sporting... Read More about Task based rehabilitation protocol for elite athletes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction : A clinical commentary.

Emotional labour in university lecturers : considerations for higher education institutions (2013)
Journal Article
Berry, K., & Cassidy, S. (2013). Emotional labour in university lecturers : considerations for higher education institutions. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 2(2),

Emotional labour is a state that exists when there is a discrepancy between the emotional demeanour that an individual displays and the genuinely felt emotions that would be inappropriate to display (Mann 1999b). The study examined levels of emotiona... Read More about Emotional labour in university lecturers : considerations for higher education institutions.

The effects of prosthetic ankle stiffness on ankle and knee kinematics, prosthetic limb loading, and net metabolic cost of trans-tibial amputee gait (2013)
Journal Article
Major, M., Twiste, M., Kenney, L., & Howard, D. (2014). The effects of prosthetic ankle stiffness on ankle and knee kinematics, prosthetic limb loading, and net metabolic cost of trans-tibial amputee gait. Clinical Biomechanics, 29(1), 98-104.

Previous studies of commercially-available trans-tibial prosthetic components have been unable to provide clear insight into the relationships between prosthetic mechanical properties and user performance (i.e., gait quality and energy ex... Read More about The effects of prosthetic ankle stiffness on ankle and knee kinematics, prosthetic limb loading, and net metabolic cost of trans-tibial amputee gait.

The relationship between ankle joint physiological characteristics and balance control during unilateral stance (2013)
Journal Article
Amin, D., & Herrington, L. (2014). The relationship between ankle joint physiological characteristics and balance control during unilateral stance. Gait & Posture, 39(2), 718-722.

The role that the ankle's physiological characteristics play in maintaining balance during quiet stance has been well documented. However, the role of the ankle in maintaining balance during more challenging conditions is questionable. As... Read More about The relationship between ankle joint physiological characteristics and balance control during unilateral stance.

Self-management approaches for osteoarthritis in the hand : a 2x2 factorial randomised trial (2013)
Journal Article
Dziedzic, K., Nicholls, E., Hill, S., Hammond, A., Handy, J., Thomas, E., & Hay, E. (2015). Self-management approaches for osteoarthritis in the hand : a 2x2 factorial randomised trial. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 74(1), 108-118.

Background: Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of
disability in older adults. Evidence of effectiveness for
self-management of hand osteoarthritis is lacking.

Methods: In this randomised, factorial trial, we
evaluated the effectiveness of jo... Read More about Self-management approaches for osteoarthritis in the hand : a 2x2 factorial randomised trial.

Prediction of 7-year psychopathology from mother-infant joint attention behaviours: a nested case–control study (2013)
Journal Article

To investigate whether later diagnosis of psychiatric disorder can be predicted from analysis of mother-infant joint attention (JA) behaviours in social-communicative interaction at 12 months.

Using data from a large contempora... Read More about Prediction of 7-year psychopathology from mother-infant joint attention behaviours: a nested case–control study.

Automatic detection of lift-off and touch-down of a pick-up walker using 3D kinematics (2013)
Journal Article
Grootveld, L., Thies, S., Ogden, D., Howard, D., & Kenney, L. (2014). Automatic detection of lift-off and touch-down of a pick-up walker using 3D kinematics. Medical Engineering and Physics, 36(2), 255-260.

Walking aids have been associated with falls and it is believed that incorrect use limits their usefulness. Measures are therefore needed that characterize their stable use and the classification of key events in walking aid movement is the first ste... Read More about Automatic detection of lift-off and touch-down of a pick-up walker using 3D kinematics.

Peer observation workshop for National Association of Palliative Care Educators Conference (Invited presentation) (2013)

Peer observation is endorsed by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) as an example of a work-based learning activity that is suitable for continuing professional development. It was originally advocated as a means of monitoring and improvi... Read More about Peer observation workshop for National Association of Palliative Care Educators Conference (Invited presentation).

Visual cue training to improve walking and turning after stroke: a study protocol for a multi-centre, single blind randomised pilot trial (2013)
Journal Article
Hollands, K., Pelton, T., Wimperis, A., Whitham, D., Jowett, S., Wing, A., & van Vliet, P. (2013). Visual cue training to improve walking and turning after stroke: a study protocol for a multi-centre, single blind randomised pilot trial. Trials, 14(276),

Visual information comprises one of the most salient sources of information used to control walking and the dependence on vision to maintain dynamic stability increases following a stroke. We hypothesize, therefore, that rehabilitation efforts incorp... Read More about Visual cue training to improve walking and turning after stroke: a study protocol for a multi-centre, single blind randomised pilot trial.

Strength, power and speed qualities in english junior elite rugby league players (2013)
Journal Article
Kirkpatrick, J., & Comfort, P. (2013). Strength, power and speed qualities in english junior elite rugby league players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 27(9), 2414-2419.

The aim of this study was to compare strength, power, and speed characteristics of elite junior English rugby league forwards and backs. A squad of males under 20's (n = 24; age 18.70 ± 0.90 years; body mass 86.4 ± 9.93 kg; height 178.47 ± 6.97 cm) p... Read More about Strength, power and speed qualities in english junior elite rugby league players.

‘Focus on feet’ – the effects of systemic lupus erythematosus: a narrative review of the literature (2013)
Journal Article
a narrative review of the literature. Lupus, 22(10), 1017-1023.

Background: The manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) vary between individuals,
from the severe and life-threatening renal and central nervous system involvement, to
the involvement of skin, musculoskeletal and vascular system, and t... Read More about ‘Focus on feet’ – the effects of systemic lupus erythematosus: a narrative review of the literature.

C-GLOVES: An evaluation of the effectiveness of compression gloves in arthritis: a feasibility study :Hand assessment manual and glove treatment protocol 13.8.13v2 (2013)
Jones, V., Alison, H., & Prior, Y. (2013). C-GLOVES: An evaluation of the effectiveness of compression gloves in arthritis: a feasibility study :Hand assessment manual and glove treatment protocol 13.8.13v2. Salford

The C-Gloves compression glove feasibility study evaluated the effects of compression gloves on hand pain, stiffness, joint swelling, finger flexion, grip ability, grip strength and hand function. This manual includes the: inclusion/ exclusion crite... Read More about C-GLOVES: An evaluation of the effectiveness of compression gloves in arthritis: a feasibility study :Hand assessment manual and glove treatment protocol 13.8.13v2.

Rollover footwear affects lower limb biomechanics during walking (2013)
Journal Article
Forghany, S., Nester, C., Richards, B., Hatton, A., & Liu, A. (2014). Rollover footwear affects lower limb biomechanics during walking. Gait & Posture, 39(1), 205-212.

To investigate the effect of rollover footwear on walking speed, metabolic cost of gait, lower limb kinematics, kinetics, EMG muscle activity and plantar pressure.

Twenty subjects (mean age-33.1 years, height-1.71 m, body mass-68.9 k... Read More about Rollover footwear affects lower limb biomechanics during walking.