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Policing and mental illness in the era of deinstutionalisation and mass incarceration: A UK Perspective (2013)
Journal Article
Cummins, I. (2013). Policing and mental illness in the era of deinstutionalisation and mass incarceration: A UK Perspective. International journal of criminology & sociological theory, 6(4), 92-104

The policy of deinstitutionalisation, a progressive policy aimed at reducing the civic and social isolation of the mentally ill, did not achieve its utopian aims. Wolff (2005)/Moon (2000) argue that the Asylum has been replaced by fragmented, disloca... Read More about Policing and mental illness in the era of deinstutionalisation and mass incarceration: A UK Perspective.

Our side of the mirror : the (re)-construction of 1970s’ masculinity in David Peace’s Red Riding (2013)
Journal Article
King, M., & Cummins, I. (2013). Our side of the mirror : the (re)-construction of 1970s’ masculinity in David Peace’s Red Riding.

David Peace and the late Gordon Burn are two British novelists who have used a mixture of fact and fiction in
their works to explore the nature of fame, celebrity and the media representations of individuals caught up in events,
including investiga... Read More about Our side of the mirror : the (re)-construction of 1970s’ masculinity in David Peace’s Red Riding.

“Dead cities, crows, the rain and their ripper, the Yorkshire ripper”: The red riding novels (1974, 1977, 1980, 1983) of David Peace as Lieux d’horreur (2013)
Journal Article
King, M., & Cummins, I. (2013). “Dead cities, crows, the rain and their ripper, the Yorkshire ripper”: The red riding novels (1974, 1977, 1980, 1983) of David Peace as Lieux d’horreur. International journal of criminology & sociological theory, 6(3), 43-56

This article explores the role and importance of place in the Red Riding novels of David Peace. Drawing on Nora’s (1989) concept of Lieux de mémoire and Rejinders’ (2010) development of this work in relation to the imaginary world of the TV detective... Read More about “Dead cities, crows, the rain and their ripper, the Yorkshire ripper”: The red riding novels (1974, 1977, 1980, 1983) of David Peace as Lieux d’horreur.

Using Simon's Governing through crime to explore the development of mental health policy in England and Wales since 1983 (2013)
Journal Article
since 1983. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 34(3), 325-337.

The reform of the Mental Health Act in 2007 saw the introduction of SupervisedCommunity Treatment Orders (CTOs) in England and Wales. It is argued that this marks a fundamental shift in the rights of those subject to mental health legislation.This pa... Read More about Using Simon's Governing through crime to explore the development of mental health policy in England and Wales since 1983.