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Holidays for children and families in need: an exploration of the research and policy context for social tourism in the UK (2005)
Journal Article
Hazel, N. (2005). Holidays for children and families in need: an exploration of the research and policy context for social tourism in the UK. Children & Society, 19(3), 225-236.

Although provision of holidays for families in need has been mainstreamed within the social care policies of many countries in the rest of Europe, social tourism has yet to be adopted in the United Kingdom. This article reports on a scoping study of... Read More about Holidays for children and families in need: an exploration of the research and policy context for social tourism in the UK.

Macro and micro patterns in the development of secure custodial institutions for serious and persistent young offenders in England and Wales (2001)
Journal Article
Hagell, A., & Hazel, N. (2001). Macro and micro patterns in the development of secure custodial institutions for serious and persistent young offenders in England and Wales. Youth Justice, 1(1), 3-16.

During the last two centuries England and Wales have developed what is now referred to as the ‘secure estate for juveniles’: various institutions providing custody for young offenders. Overall (macro) patterns of use of custody have been shown to rel... Read More about Macro and micro patterns in the development of secure custodial institutions for serious and persistent young offenders in England and Wales.

Engaging fathers in preventive services: fathers and family centres (2000)
Ghate, D., Shaw, C., & Hazel, N. (2000). Engaging fathers in preventive services: fathers and family centres. York: York Publishing Services

Although many fathers are spending more time caring for their children in the home, men continue to be conspicuous by their absence from mainstream family support services. Family centres - community-based services for families in need and at risk -... Read More about Engaging fathers in preventive services: fathers and family centres.

Placing children in care at centre stage : exploring the experiences and perceptions of children in care about their pathways into offending behaviour
Day, A. (in press). Placing children in care at centre stage : exploring the experiences and perceptions of children in care about their pathways into offending behaviour. (Thesis). University of Salford

The disproportionate representation of children in care in the youth justice system remains a significant challenge to academics and policy makers. Despite this, there is an absence of research and literature concerning the relationship between care... Read More about Placing children in care at centre stage : exploring the experiences and perceptions of children in care about their pathways into offending behaviour.