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Moral work in victim–offender meetings (2022)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C., & Smith, G. (2022). Moral work in victim–offender meetings. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 24(1), 59-78.

Although many studies of restorative justice touch on its moral dimensions, they provide a rather fragmentary view of the moral work that takes place in meetings between victims and offenders. We treat moral work as a discursive phenomenon that emerg... Read More about Moral work in victim–offender meetings.

“You and your laws and us with our laws” : a murderer’s stories navigate conflicting normative domains (2021)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C., & Rodríguez, J. (2021). “You and your laws and us with our laws” : a murderer’s stories navigate conflicting normative domains. Dilemas : Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social (Impresso), 14(3), 641-658.

Employing Labov’s structural model of stories
and Schönbach’s typology of accounts, we
examine an interview with a murderer in
Venezuela and compare two stories that were
narrated within it: one about the murder and
one about his family life. Wh... Read More about “You and your laws and us with our laws” : a murderer’s stories navigate conflicting normative domains.

Victimization, crime propensity and deviance: a multinational test of general strain theory (2019)
Journal Article
Teijon Alcala, M., & Birkbeck, C. (2019). Victimization, crime propensity and deviance: a multinational test of general strain theory. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 35(4), 410-430.

General Strain Theory (GST) identifies victimization as one of the strains most strongly related to crime which, like other sources of strain, is moderated by individual and social factors. Recently, Agnew (2013) extended the theorization of coping s... Read More about Victimization, crime propensity and deviance: a multinational test of general strain theory.

Conducta antisocial adolescente bajo un enfoque integrador de tres teorías criminológicas (2018)
Journal Article
Morillo, S., & Birkbeck, C. (2018). Conducta antisocial adolescente bajo un enfoque integrador de tres teorías criminológicas. Revista de ciencias sociales (Maracaibo), 23(3), 76-88

In order to test the theories of Differential Association, Social Control and General Crime, the
relationship between antisocial behavior and key constructs of the theories was analyzed, namely, “favourable definitions” (differential association), “... Read More about Conducta antisocial adolescente bajo un enfoque integrador de tres teorías criminológicas.

Internationalizing the study of gang membership : validation issues from Latin America (2016)
Journal Article
Rodriguez, J., Perez Santiago, N., Birkbeck, C., Crespo, F., & Morillo, S. (2017). Internationalizing the study of gang membership : validation issues from Latin America. British Journal of Criminology, 57(5), 1165-1184.

Developing valid measures of gang membership for self-report surveys is a challenging task in comparative cross-national research. In this article we use the Venezuelan case to assess the validity of the Eurogang indicators of gang membership. Based... Read More about Internationalizing the study of gang membership : validation issues from Latin America.

Media representations of crime and criminal justice (2014)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C. (2014). Media representations of crime and criminal justice.

To date, criminologists have approached the media from a communications perspective that, directly or indirectly, treats them as a powerful social force. However, systematic research (conducted mainly outside but also within criminology) has failed t... Read More about Media representations of crime and criminal justice.

Imprisonment and internment: Comparing penal facilities North and South (2011)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C. (2011). Imprisonment and internment: Comparing penal facilities North and South. Punishment and Society, 13(3), 307-332.

Recent references to the ‘warehouse prison’ in the United States and the prisión-depósito in Latin America seem to indicate that penal confinement in the western hemisphere
has converged on a similar model. However, this article suggests otherwise.... Read More about Imprisonment and internment: Comparing penal facilities North and South.

Autocontrol y conducta desviada: Una exploración con datos Venezolanos. (Self control and deviant behaviour: An exploration with Venezuelan data) (2011)
Journal Article
Morillo, S., Birkbeck, C., & Crespo, F. (2011). Autocontrol y conducta desviada: Una exploración con datos Venezolanos. (Self control and deviant behaviour: An exploration with Venezuelan data). Revista - Centro de Investigaciones Penales Criminológicas, Universidad de Los Andes, 30, 171-203

Gottfredson and Hirschi’s self-control theory is tested with
adolescent Venezuelan students (n = 2354), examining the relationship between deviant behavior, self-control, age, sex, socioeconomic status, and size of settlement. The hypothesis that “... Read More about Autocontrol y conducta desviada: Una exploración con datos Venezolanos. (Self control and deviant behaviour: An exploration with Venezuelan data).

Prisiones e Internados: Una Comparación de los Establecimientos Penales en América del Norte y América Latina (Prisons and Internment: A Comparison of Penal Facilities in North America and Latin America) (2010)
Journal Article
America). Caderno CRH (Impresso), 23(58), 129-149

The recent use of expressions such as
“warehouse prison” in the U.S. and “concentration
camp” in Latin America would seem to indicate
that conditions of deprivation of freedom in both
regions look more and more alike. The analysis
presented here... Read More about Prisiones e Internados: Una Comparación de los Establecimientos Penales en América del Norte y América Latina (Prisons and Internment: A Comparison of Penal Facilities in North America and Latin America).

El desempeño penal y el régimen abierto en las regiones Capital y Andina de Venezuela, 1981-2005. (Penal performance in open prisons in the Capital and Andean regions of Venezuela, 1981-2005.) (2010)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C. (2010). El desempeño penal y el régimen abierto en las regiones Capital y Andina de Venezuela, 1981-2005. (Penal performance in open prisons in the Capital and Andean regions of Venezuela, 1981-2005.). Capítulo criminológico, 38(1), 81-107

The penal performance of offenders assigned to halfway houses is examined for a sample of 1,253 residents between 1981 and 2005 in the Capital and Andean Regions of Venezuela. Contrary to the notion of progression outlined in prison legislation, only... Read More about El desempeño penal y el régimen abierto en las regiones Capital y Andina de Venezuela, 1981-2005. (Penal performance in open prisons in the Capital and Andean regions of Venezuela, 1981-2005.).

Venezuela: The Shifting Organizational Framework for the Police (2009)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C. (2009). Venezuela: The Shifting Organizational Framework for the Police. Police Practice and Research, 10(4), 295-304.

Recent political polarization in Venezuela has exacerbated longer term tensions over the organization and control of the police. Additionally, there is ongoing and widespread
public dissatisfaction with the nature of policing. The patrimonial and au... Read More about Venezuela: The Shifting Organizational Framework for the Police.

El funcionamiento de la libertad condicional: un estudio de caso de la región Andina de Venezuela, 1981-2004.” (how parole functions in Venezuela: a case study of the Andean region, 1981-2004) (2009)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C. (2009). El funcionamiento de la libertad condicional: un estudio de caso de la región Andina de Venezuela, 1981-2004.” (how parole functions in Venezuela: a case study of the Andean region, 1981-2004). Revista - Centro de Investigaciones Penales Criminológicas, Universidad de Los Andes, 28, 29-67

This article presents the results of a study of 773 cases of parole that were initiated and concluded in the Andean region of Venezuela between 1981 and 2004, with particular attention to the characteristics and determinants of offenders’ different p... Read More about El funcionamiento de la libertad condicional: un estudio de caso de la región Andina de Venezuela, 1981-2004.” (how parole functions in Venezuela: a case study of the Andean region, 1981-2004).

Researching the use of force: The background to the international project (2009)
Journal Article
Stenning, P., Birkbeck, C., Adang, O., Baker, D., Feltes, T., Gabaldón, L., …Waddington, P. (2009). Researching the use of force: The background to the international project. Crime, Law and Social Change, 52(2), 95-110.

This article provides the background to an international project on use of force by the police that was carried out in eight countries. Force is often considered to be the defining characteristic of policing and much research has been conducted on th... Read More about Researching the use of force: The background to the international project.