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The lived experience of people with upper limb absence living in Uganda : a qualitative study (2022)
Journal Article
Morgado-Ramirez, D., Nakandi, B., Ackers, H., Ssekitoleko, R., Mwaka, E., Kenney, L., …Donovan-Hall, M. (2022). The lived experience of people with upper limb absence living in Uganda : a qualitative study. African journal of disability, 11, 890.

Background: The impact of upper limb absence on people’s lived experiences remains severely under-explored, particularly in African countries, with implications for policy and service design.

Objectives: explore the lived experiences of people wit... Read More about The lived experience of people with upper limb absence living in Uganda : a qualitative study.

Opportunities and challenges for improving antimicrobial stewardship in low and middle income countries ; lessons learnt from the maternal sepsis intervention in Western Uganda (2020)
Journal Article
Ackers, H., Ackers-Johnson, G., Seekles, M., Odur, J., & Opio, S. (2020). Opportunities and challenges for improving antimicrobial stewardship in low and middle income countries ; lessons learnt from the maternal sepsis intervention in Western Uganda. Antibiotics, 9(6), 315.

This paper presents findings from an action-research intervention designed to identify ways of improving antimicrobial stewardship in a Ugandan Regional Referral Hospital. Building on an existing health partnership and extensive action-research on ma... Read More about Opportunities and challenges for improving antimicrobial stewardship in low and middle income countries ; lessons learnt from the maternal sepsis intervention in Western Uganda.

Optimising student learning on international placements in low income settings (2019)
Journal Article
Ackers, H., Ackers-Johnson, J., Ahmed, A., & Tate, N. (2019). Optimising student learning on international placements in low income settings. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3), 311-327.

This paper challenges the assumption that student visits to low resource settings inevitably promote the acquisition of cultural competence. Much of the literature and marketing rhetoric advocating the expansion of such ‘exposures’ lists numerous pos... Read More about Optimising student learning on international placements in low income settings.

What price a welcome? Understanding structure agency in the delivery of respectful midwifery care in Uganda (2018)
Journal Article
Ackers, L., Webster, H., Mugahi, R., & Namiro, R. (2018). What price a welcome? Understanding structure agency in the delivery of respectful midwifery care in Uganda. International Journal of Health Governance, 23(1), 46-59.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of research on mothers and midwives’ understanding of the concept of respectful care in the Ugandan public health settings. It focusses on one aspect of respect; namely communication that... Read More about What price a welcome? Understanding structure agency in the delivery of respectful midwifery care in Uganda.

Organisational barriers to the facilitation of overseas volunteering and training placements in the NHS (2018)
Journal Article
Chatwin, J., & Ackers, H. (2018). Organisational barriers to the facilitation of overseas volunteering and training placements in the NHS. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 69.

Undertaking a period of voluntary work or a professional placement overseas has long been a feature of medical training in the UK. There are now a number of high profile National Health Service (NHS) initiatives aimed at increasing acces... Read More about Organisational barriers to the facilitation of overseas volunteering and training placements in the NHS.

Volunteering and overseas placements in the NHS : a survey of current activity (2016)
Journal Article
Chatwin, J., & Ackers, L. (2016). Volunteering and overseas placements in the NHS : a survey of current activity. BMJ, 6(10), e01216.

The study aimed to establish current levels of overseas volunteering and placement activity across all staff grades within the NHS in the North West of England.
Cross-sectional survey.
Descriptive statistics.
Setting... Read More about Volunteering and overseas placements in the NHS : a survey of current activity.

The impact of delays on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Ugandan public health facilities : the role of absenteeism (2016)
Journal Article
Ackers, H., Ionnou, E., & Ackers-Johnson, J. (2016). The impact of delays on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Ugandan public health facilities : the role of absenteeism. Health Policy and Planning, 31(9), 1152-1161.

Maternal mortality in low and middle income countries (LMICs) continues to remain high. The Ugandan Ministry of Health’s Strategic Plan suggests that little, if any, progress has been made in Uganda in terms of improvements in Maternal Health (Millen... Read More about The impact of delays on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Ugandan public health facilities : the role of absenteeism.