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Let's stay and hate: the role of community meetings on counsellor training courses (2002)
Journal Article
Hill, A. (2002). Let's stay and hate: the role of community meetings on counsellor training courses. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 2(4), 215-221.

This study explores the role of community meetings within BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) accredited counsellor training courses. A postal survey was carried out with trainers on 56 BACP accredited training courses in Jan... Read More about Let's stay and hate: the role of community meetings on counsellor training courses.

Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: reflections on practice (2002)
Journal Article
Porcellato, L., Dugdill, L., & Springett, J. (2002). Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: reflections on practice. Health Education, 102(6), 310-320.

This paper reflects on the appropriateness of using focus groups with young children, based on a real life study carried out in Liverpool, UK which used 12, single-sex focus groups (n=50, mean age=7) to explore children's perceptions of smoking. The... Read More about Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: reflections on practice.

Formal nursing terminology systems: a means to an end (2002)
Journal Article
Hardiker, N., Bakken, S., Casey, A., & Hoy, D. (2002). Formal nursing terminology systems: a means to an end. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 35(5-6), 298-305.

In response to the need to support diverse and complex information requirements, nursing has developed a number of different terminology systems. The two main kinds of systems that have emerged are enumerative systems and combinatorial systems, altho... Read More about Formal nursing terminology systems: a means to an end.

A visual motor psychological test as a predictor to treatment in nocturnal enuresis (2002)
Journal Article
Bosson, S., Holland, P., & Barrow, S. (2002). A visual motor psychological test as a predictor to treatment in nocturnal enuresis. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 87(3), 188-191.

Background and Aims: The neurological control of bladder function and the ability to be dry at night involves not only the acquisition of normal daytime control, but also the establishment of a circadian rhythm in vasopressin release and the ability... Read More about A visual motor psychological test as a predictor to treatment in nocturnal enuresis.

Racing against time? Aspects of the temporal organization of the runner's world (2002)
Journal Article
Smith, G. (2002). Racing against time? Aspects of the temporal organization of the runner's world. Symbolic Interaction, 25(3), 343-362.

Drawing on documentary sources and participant observation, I seek to specify salient temporal characteristics of the social world of running. Extant analyses seem preoccupied with criticizing running temporality for reproducing, in a sporting contex... Read More about Racing against time? Aspects of the temporal organization of the runner's world.

The motivation of practice teachers - a research note (2002)
Journal Article
Shardlow, S., Nixon, S., & Rogers, J. (2002). The motivation of practice teachers - a research note. Learning in Health and Social Care, 1(2), 67-74.

Practice teaching and learning are critical elements in the initial professional education of social workers, yet they are fraught with pressures and suffer from shortages in both placements and practice teachers. This paper considers some of the fac... Read More about The motivation of practice teachers - a research note.

Research in Nurse Education Today : do we meet our aims and scope? (2002)
Journal Article
Long, T., & Johnson, M. (2002). Research in Nurse Education Today : do we meet our aims and scope?. Nurse Education Today, 22(1), 85-93.

All issues of Nurse Education Today between January 1996 and July 2001 were examined manually and categorized as `research' or other forms of scholarship. A total of 356 articles were reviewed and 193 of these were considered to be some form of resea... Read More about Research in Nurse Education Today : do we meet our aims and scope?.

Inequality in morbidity and consulting behaviour for socially vulnerable groups (2002)
Journal Article
Baker, D., Cambell, S., & Mead, N. (2002). Inequality in morbidity and consulting behaviour for socially vulnerable groups. British Journal of General Practice, 52(475), 124-130

BACKGROUND: The focus of health policy on improving health and reducing inequality for socially vulnerable groups. AIM: To examine self-report of condition-specific morbidity and consultation with the general practitioner (GP) for socially vulnerable... Read More about Inequality in morbidity and consulting behaviour for socially vulnerable groups.

The role of the nurse within the multi-professional rehabilitation team (2002)
Journal Article
Long, A., Kneafsey, R., Ryan, J., & Berry, J. (2002). The role of the nurse within the multi-professional rehabilitation team. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37(1), 70-78.

AIM OF THE STUDY/PAPER: To identify the contribution of the nurse within the multi-professional rehabilitation team. BACKGROUND: The requirement for nurses to work effectively within the multi-professional rehabilitation team is increasingly importan... Read More about The role of the nurse within the multi-professional rehabilitation team.

New methods for studying blind children's understanding of familiar space (2002)
Journal Article
Lewis, V., Collis, G., Shadlock, R., Potts, M., & Norgate, S. (2002). New methods for studying blind children's understanding of familiar space. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 20(1), 17-23.

Two previous studies have indicated that until the teenage years blind children understand the relationships between familiar locations in and around their home in terms of the routes between them rather than in terms of straight line directions. Giv... Read More about New methods for studying blind children's understanding of familiar space.

Les capacités de représentation d'un enfant aveugle congénital entre un et sept ans (The representational ability of a congenitally blind child between one and seven years) (2002)
Journal Article
Lewis, V., Norgate, S., & Collis, G. (2002). Les capacités de représentation d'un enfant aveugle congénital entre un et sept ans (The representational ability of a congenitally blind child between one and seven years)

On considère souvent que les enfants aveugles présentent des difficultés dans leurs capacités de représentation, notamment dans le jeu de fiction, la compréhension de soi et des autres et la représentation spatiale. Une interprétation possible de tel... Read More about Les capacités de représentation d'un enfant aveugle congénital entre un et sept ans (The representational ability of a congenitally blind child between one and seven years).

Exploring the gender question in critical information systems (2002)
Journal Article
Adam, A. (2002). Exploring the gender question in critical information systems. Journal of Information Technology, 17(2), 59-67.

This paper addresses ways in which theorizing gender may be important in forming an understanding of the topic of emancipation, which is central to the new critical information systems (IS) based on the thinking of Habermas. After briefly discussing... Read More about Exploring the gender question in critical information systems.

Developing the computer user self-efficacy (CUSE) scale : investigating the relationship between computer self-efficacy, gender and experience with computers (2002)
Journal Article
Eachus, P., & Cassidy, S. (2002). Developing the computer user self-efficacy (CUSE) scale : investigating the relationship between computer self-efficacy, gender and experience with computers. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 26(2), 133-153.

Describes the development and validation of the 30-item Computer User Self-Efficacy (CUSE) Scale, a copy of which is appended. Topics include social cognitive theory; experience and computer self-efficacy; gender differences; and the measurement of c... Read More about Developing the computer user self-efficacy (CUSE) scale : investigating the relationship between computer self-efficacy, gender and experience with computers.

The writing of trauma: trauma theory and the liberty of reading (2002)
Journal Article
Kilby, J. (2002). The writing of trauma: trauma theory and the liberty of reading. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics, 47, 217-230

Analyses the recent upsurge of interest in trauma theory in cultural studies.

Consuming the car: anticipation, use and meaning in contemporary youth culture. (2002)
Journal Article
Carrabine, E., & Longhurst, B. (2002). Consuming the car: anticipation, use and meaning in contemporary youth culture. Sociological Review, 50(2), 181-196.

Drawing on evidence from a recently conducted study of the everyday lives of young people in Manchester, UK, this article considers the place of cars in contemporary youth culture. The article acknowledges the recent beginnings of sociological and so... Read More about Consuming the car: anticipation, use and meaning in contemporary youth culture..

Cultural tourists and cultural trends: commercialization and the coming of The Storm (2002)
Journal Article
Crawford, G. (2002). Cultural tourists and cultural trends: commercialization and the coming of The Storm. Culture, sport, society, 5(1), 21-38.

This paper constructs a brief history of British ice hockey and The Manchester Storm (the self-proclaimed largest ice hockey club outside of North America), focusing specifically on the re-emergence and commercialisation of the sport in the 1990s. T... Read More about Cultural tourists and cultural trends: commercialization and the coming of The Storm.

The fruits of a European partnership (2002)
Journal Article
Adams, A., & Shardlow, S. (2002). The fruits of a European partnership. Social work in Europe, 9(2), 50-52

This paper outlines the on-going collaborative work of a multinational group of social work educators, funded
by the Socrates Programme of the European Social Fund. To date the project has sustained an active
exchange of educators and students from... Read More about The fruits of a European partnership.