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Preventing homelessness among women prison leavers in Wales (2020)
Journal Article
Gorden, C., Lockwood, K., Maddoc, I., Hughes, C., Washing-Dyer, K., Wilding, M., & Ahmed, A. (2020). Preventing homelessness among women prison leavers in Wales. European Journal of Criminology, 19(6), 1438-1460.

Under the Housing (Wales) Act 2014, prison leavers are among those who are no longer considered a priority need. This article draws on interviews conducted with 17 women prison leavers and 10 professionals that formed part of a Welsh Government funde... Read More about Preventing homelessness among women prison leavers in Wales.

A feasibility study of enhanced occupational therapy for children and young people with central nervous system tumours – outcomes for the families and for occupational therapy (2020)
Journal Article
Morgan, R., Estlin, E., Pizer, B., Keane, J., Bowyer, P., Nenadic, G., …Long, T. (2020). A feasibility study of enhanced occupational therapy for children and young people with central nervous system tumours – outcomes for the families and for occupational therapy. CYPF journal, Autumn(2020), 20-28

A two-year feasibility study was conducted to explore harmonisation of occupation-focused practice between two UK children’s cancer centres. The Short Child Occupational Profile (SCOPE) identified occupational needs of children with brain tumours to... Read More about A feasibility study of enhanced occupational therapy for children and young people with central nervous system tumours – outcomes for the families and for occupational therapy.

Ten minutes with Dr Joseph Home, Medical Directors Leadership Fellow at Pennine Acute NHS Trust (2020)
Journal Article
Waugh, C., & Home, J. (2020). Ten minutes with Dr Joseph Home, Medical Directors Leadership Fellow at Pennine Acute NHS Trust. BMJ Leader,

As a Foundation Year 2 Doctor Joseph was given the unique opportunity to step into a
senior leadership role. This short interview discusses some of the challenges and key
messages from this experience.

New hope or old futures in disguise? Neoliberalism, the Covid-19 pandemic and the possibility for social change (2020)
Journal Article
Ellis, A., Briggs, D., Lloyd, A., & Telford, L. (2020). New hope or old futures in disguise? Neoliberalism, the Covid-19 pandemic and the possibility for social change. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 40(9/10), 831-848.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to consider the implications of both the Covid-19
pandemic and UK lockdown for the social, political and economic future of the UK. Drawing
on primary data obtained during the lockdown and the theoretical conc... Read More about New hope or old futures in disguise? Neoliberalism, the Covid-19 pandemic and the possibility for social change.

Can Active Labour Market Programmes emulate the mental health benefits of regular paid employment? Longitudinal evidence from the United Kingdom (2020)
Journal Article
Wang, S., Coutts, A., Burchell, B., Kamerāde, D., & Balderson, U. (2021). Can Active Labour Market Programmes emulate the mental health benefits of regular paid employment? Longitudinal evidence from the United Kingdom. Work, Employment and Society, 35(3), 545-565.

Active Labour Market Programmes (ALMPs), which form important components of employment support policies around the world, have been found to improve mental health and wellbeing of participants. However, it remains unclear how these health effects com... Read More about Can Active Labour Market Programmes emulate the mental health benefits of regular paid employment? Longitudinal evidence from the United Kingdom.

Exploring perceptions of parents on the use of emergency department on-site primary care services for the treatment of children with non-urgent conditions (2020)
Journal Article
Sam, M., Cook, D., Rowland, A., & Butler, J. (2021). Exploring perceptions of parents on the use of emergency department on-site primary care services for the treatment of children with non-urgent conditions. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 44(4), 285-302.

To understand the reasons parents of children with minor conditions attend the
Children’s Emergency Department (ED), and their views about on-site paediatric
same day care (SDC) service as an alternative treatment centre.
A... Read More about Exploring perceptions of parents on the use of emergency department on-site primary care services for the treatment of children with non-urgent conditions.

The right place for me: a moderated mediation model to explain involvement of employees aged over 50 years (2020)
Journal Article
Manzi, C., Coen, S., Capolicchio, E., Medina, L., & Paderi, F. (2021). The right place for me: a moderated mediation model to explain involvement of employees aged over 50 years. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51(1), 42-52.

Over the past decades, employment rates of older workers in most Western countries have rapidly increased. Hence, there is a growing interest in identifying the organizational dimensions that might impact the psychosocial adjustment of workers aged o... Read More about The right place for me: a moderated mediation model to explain involvement of employees aged over 50 years.

The impact of a school-based, nurse-delivered asthma health education programme on quality of life, knowledge and attitudes of Saudi children with asthma (2020)
Journal Article
Alreshidi, N., Livesley, J., Al-Kalaldeh, M., & Long, T. (2020). The impact of a school-based, nurse-delivered asthma health education programme on quality of life, knowledge and attitudes of Saudi children with asthma. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 45(1), 43-57.

More than two million people have asthma in Saudi Arabia: 13% aged 6-10 years. Asthma is one of the most common childhood illnesses. Little has been explored about children’s ability to learn more about their own asthma in Saudi Arabia.... Read More about The impact of a school-based, nurse-delivered asthma health education programme on quality of life, knowledge and attitudes of Saudi children with asthma.

Inter-rater reliability of paediatric emergency assessment : physiological and clinical features (2020)
Journal Article
Heal, C., Cotterill, S., Rowland, A., Garratt, N., Long, T., Brown, S., …Roland, D. (2021). Inter-rater reliability of paediatric emergency assessment : physiological and clinical features. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 106(2), 149-153.

The Paediatric Admission Guidance in the Emergency Department (PAGE) score is an assessment tool currently in development that helps predict hospital admission using components including patient characteristics, vital signs (heart rate, te... Read More about Inter-rater reliability of paediatric emergency assessment : physiological and clinical features.

Opt-out consent in children’s emergency medicine research (2020)
Journal Article
Long, T., Rowland, A., Cotterill, S., Woby, S., Heal, C., Garratt, N., …Roland, D. (2022). Opt-out consent in children’s emergency medicine research. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 45(1), 31-42.

There is global acceptance that individuals should be allowed to decide whether or not to take part in research studies, and to do so after being informed about the nature of the research and the risk that might attach to participation. The process o... Read More about Opt-out consent in children’s emergency medicine research.

Ethical considerations cited in child health research published in leading nursing journals : 2015-2019 (2020)
Journal Article
Wu, Y., Howarth, M., Zhou, C., Yang, L., Ye, X., Wang, R., …Cong, W. (2021). Ethical considerations cited in child health research published in leading nursing journals : 2015-2019. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 27(3), e12886.

Background: Child health research comprises complex ethical considerations. Understanding the extent to which the ethical process is reported in child health research is needed to improve reporting.
Aims: To identify reportage of ethical considerat... Read More about Ethical considerations cited in child health research published in leading nursing journals : 2015-2019.

From repeating routes to planning novel routes : the impact of landmarks and ageing on route integration and cognitive mapping (2020)
Journal Article
Grzeschik, R., Hilton, C., Conroy-Dalton, R., Konovalova, I., Cotteril, E., Innes, A., & Wiener, J. (2021). From repeating routes to planning novel routes : the impact of landmarks and ageing on route integration and cognitive mapping. Psychological Research, 85(6), 2164-2176.

The integration of intersecting routes is an important process for the formation of cognitive maps and thus successful navigation. Here we present a novel task to study route integration and the effects that landmark information and cognitive ageing... Read More about From repeating routes to planning novel routes : the impact of landmarks and ageing on route integration and cognitive mapping.

(Dis)orientation and design preferences within an unfamiliar care environment – A content analysis of older adults’ qualitative reports after route learning (2020)
Journal Article
O'Malley, M., Innes, A., & Wiener, J. (2022). (Dis)orientation and design preferences within an unfamiliar care environment – A content analysis of older adults’ qualitative reports after route learning. Environment and Behavior, 54(1), 116-142.

Ensuring that environments are designed to cater for those with decreasing orientation, perceptual and mobility skills, is an example of how environments are being changed to become more age and dementia friendly. However, environmental design should... Read More about (Dis)orientation and design preferences within an unfamiliar care environment – A content analysis of older adults’ qualitative reports after route learning.

The future of nurse education : imagining the art of the possible (2020)
Journal Article
Leigh, J., & Roberts, D. (2020). The future of nurse education : imagining the art of the possible. British Journal of Nursing, 29(16), 968-970.

Thinking about the pipeline for registered nurses and the transition of students to registered nurse: what if we were to create a perfect nurse education curriculum- something that we feel is currently elusive!? What if HEI’s and their healthcare par... Read More about The future of nurse education : imagining the art of the possible.

Re-thinking and re-positioning ‘being in the moment’ within a continuum of moments : introducing a new conceptual framework for dementia studies (2020)
Journal Article
Keady, J., Campbell, S., Clark, A., Dowlen, R., Elvish, R., Jones, L., …Williams, S. (2022). Re-thinking and re-positioning ‘being in the moment’ within a continuum of moments : introducing a new conceptual framework for dementia studies. Ageing and society, 42(3), 681-702.

This article draws upon six social research studies completed by members of the Dementia
and Ageing Research Team at The University of Manchester and their associated networks
over an eight-year period [2011-2019] with the aim of constructing a def... Read More about Re-thinking and re-positioning ‘being in the moment’ within a continuum of moments : introducing a new conceptual framework for dementia studies.

Ten minutes with Professor Andrew Rowland, Lead Employer Medical Director of St Helens and Knowlsey Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Honorary Professor at the University of Salford, Chair of SicKids children's charity, Non-Executive Director of M’Lop Tapang and Consultant in Children’s Emergency Medicine (2020)
Journal Article
Home, J., & Rowland, A. (2021). Ten minutes with Professor Andrew Rowland, Lead Employer Medical Director of St Helens and Knowlsey Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Honorary Professor at the University of Salford, Chair of SicKids children's charity, Non-Executive Director of M’Lop Tapang and Consultant in Children’s Emergency Medicine. BMJ Leader, 5(2), 151-153.

Professor Rowland has several leadership roles spanning academic, NHS and
charitable organisations. This short interview discusses the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic and how his approach to leadership has changed to cope with many
challenges face... Read More about Ten minutes with Professor Andrew Rowland, Lead Employer Medical Director of St Helens and Knowlsey Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Honorary Professor at the University of Salford, Chair of SicKids children's charity, Non-Executive Director of M’Lop Tapang and Consultant in Children’s Emergency Medicine.