Conspicuous consumption
Book Chapter
Bagnall, G. (2011). Conspicuous consumption. In Encyclopedia of consumer culture. Los Angeles, USA: Sage
Intellectual styles : measurement and assessment (2011)
Book Chapter
Cassidy, S. (2011). Intellectual styles : measurement and assessment. In L. Zhang, R. Sternberg, & S. Rayner (Eds.), Handbook of Intellectual Styles: Preferences in Cognition, Learning, and Thinking (67-89). New York: Springer Publishing CompanyThe chapter presents a critical account of approaches, including historical, contemporary and potential approaches, to the measurement and assessment of intellectual styles. Its ultimate aim is to support ‘good’ research and practice in the field of... Read More about Intellectual styles : measurement and assessment.
Long-term cardiac conditions and their management (2011)
Book Chapter
Jones, I., & Dormer, A. (2011). Long-term cardiac conditions and their management. In M. Humphreys (Ed.), Nursing the Cardiac Patient. England: Wiley-Blackwell
The social and cultural significance of online gaming (2011)
Book Chapter
Crawford, G., Gosling, V., & Light, B. (2011). The social and cultural significance of online gaming. In Online Gaming in Context: The Social and Cultural Significance of Online Games. London: Routledge
It's not just a game : contemporary challenges for games research and the internet (2011)
Book Chapter
Crawford, G., Gosling, V., & Light, B. (2011). It's not just a game : contemporary challenges for games research and the internet. In Online Gaming in Context: The Social and Cultural Significance of Online Games. London: Routledge
Exploring the relationship between education expertise and nursing practice. Expertise in nursing practice (2011)
Book Chapter
Lee, N. (2011). Exploring the relationship between education expertise and nursing practice. Expertise in nursing practice. In S. Hardy, A. Titchen, B. McCormack, & K. Manley (Eds.), Revealing Nursing Expertise Through Practitioner Inquiry. John Wiley and Sons
Nutrition and quality of life in adults receiving palliative care (2011)
Book Chapter
Fleming, M., Martin, C., & Hollins-Martin, C. (2011). Nutrition and quality of life in adults receiving palliative care. In V. Preedie (Ed.), Diet and Nutrition in Palliative Care (75-88). London, UK: RoutledgePalliative care refers to treatment and care delivered when the disease/illness is not responsive to curative treatment. The World Health Organization defines palliative care as ‘an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their fam... Read More about Nutrition and quality of life in adults receiving palliative care.
“Saying hello everyday” : towards the enhancement of social capital among lonely and isolated older people in modern cities (2011)
Book Chapter
Shardlow, S., Walmsley, B., Johnson, M., & Ryan, J. (2011). “Saying hello everyday” : towards the enhancement of social capital among lonely and isolated older people in modern cities. In Social Capital in Hong Kong: Connectivities and Social Enterprise (195-213). Hong Kong, China: City University Press
Official criminology and the new crime sciences (2011)
Book Chapter
Hope, T. (2011). Official criminology and the new crime sciences. In M. Bosworth, & C. Hoyle (Eds.), What is Criminology?. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Mental health law in England and Wales (2011)
Book Chapter
Warne, A., Keeling, J., & McAndrew, S. (2011). Mental health law in England and Wales. In P. Barker (Ed.), Mental health ethics : the human context (275-285). Routledge
Fans (2011)
Book Chapter
Crawford, G. (2011). Fans. In D. Southerton (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Consumer Culture. London: Sage
Michel de Certeau (2011)
Book Chapter
Crawford, G. (2011). Michel de Certeau. In D. Southerton (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Consumer Culture. London: SageThe three-volume Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture covers consuming societies around the world, from the Age of Enlightenment to the present, and shows how consumption has become intrinsic to the world’s social, economic, political, and cultural lands... Read More about Michel de Certeau.
Innovation in public health care: Diabetes education in the UK (2011)
Book Chapter
Fairhurst, E. (2011). Innovation in public health care: Diabetes education in the UK. In F. Gallouj, & F. Djellal (Eds.), The Handbook of Innovation and Services: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective (129-152). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
Audience research (2011)
Book Chapter
Longhurst, B. (2011). Audience research. In D. Southerton (Ed.), The encyclopaedia of consumer culture. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
Erving Goffman (2011)
Book Chapter
Smith, G. (2011). Erving Goffman. In G. Ritzer, & J. Stepnisky (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists (125-154). Oxford, UK: Wiley BlackwellReflecting emerging research and ongoing reassessments of social theory, The Wiley- Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists offers significant updates and revisions to the original Blackwell Companion published a decade ago.
Seldom heard groups - embracing the patient voice (2011)
Book Chapter
Wray, J. (2011). Seldom heard groups - embracing the patient voice. In E. Morrow, A. Boaz, S. Brearley, & F. Ross (Eds.), Handbook of Service User Involvement in Nursing and Healthcare Research. Chichester UK: Wiley Blackwell
Managing prisoners, managing emotion : the dynamics of age, culture and identity (2011)
Book Chapter
Crawley, E. (2011). Managing prisoners, managing emotion : the dynamics of age, culture and identity. In S. Karstedt, I. Loader, & H. Strang (Eds.), Emotions, Crime and Justice (255-274). London, UK: Sage
Aspects of English and German sociable selfhood (2011)
Book Chapter
Philburn, R. (2011). Aspects of English and German sociable selfhood. In A. Witte, & T. Harden (Eds.), Intercultural Competence: Concepts, Challenges, Evaluations. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang
Personal values and computer ethics (2011)
Book Chapter
Adam, A. (2011). Personal values and computer ethics. In L. Floridi (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics (149-162). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Implications for nursing research and generation of evidence (2011)
Book Chapter
Bakken, S., Lucero, R., Yoon, S., & Hardiker, N. (2011). Implications for nursing research and generation of evidence. In R. Cook, & A. Cashin (Eds.), Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Informatics: Concepts and Applications (113-127). Hershey: Medical Information Science Reference
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