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Comparing men's and womens' experiences of multiple exclusion homelessness (2011)
Journal Article
Bowpitt,, G., Dwyer, P., Sundin, E., & Weinstein, W. (2011). Comparing men's and womens' experiences of multiple exclusion homelessness. Social Policy and Society, 10(4), 537-547.

This article explores gender as a variable in multiple exclusion homelessness in England. Much past research has taken insufficient account of the gender of homeless people, especially the predominance of men in the single homeless population and of... Read More about Comparing men's and womens' experiences of multiple exclusion homelessness.

Navigating the grounded theory terrain. Part 2 (2011)
Journal Article
Hunter, A., Murphy, K., Grealish, A., Casey, D., & Keady, J. (2011). Navigating the grounded theory terrain. Part 2. Nurse Researcher, 19(1), 6-11

Aim In this paper, the choice of classic grounded theory will be discussed and justified in the context of the first author's PhD research.

Background The methodological discussion takes place within the context of PhD research entitled:
Devel... Read More about Navigating the grounded theory terrain. Part 2.

Deriving a forecast model for European election turnout (2011)
Journal Article
Evans, J., & Ivaldi, G. (2011). Deriving a forecast model for European election turnout. Political Research Quarterly, 65(4), 855-867.

Turnout is a key indicator in European Parliament elections, in the absence of a direct executive outcome. Forecasting turnout is an important exercise in requiring the identification of a parsimonious model with good lead time from the array of stru... Read More about Deriving a forecast model for European election turnout.

Online gaming in context : the social and cultural significance of online games (2011)
Gosling, V., Light, B., & Crawford, G. (2011). Online gaming in context : the social and cultural significance of online games. London: Routledge

There is little question of the social, cultural and economic importance of video games in the world today, with gaming now rivalling the movie and music sectors as a major leisure industry and pastime. The significance of video games within our ever... Read More about Online gaming in context : the social and cultural significance of online games.

Incorporating personalized gene sequence variants, molecular genetics knowledge, and health knowledge into an EHR prototype based on the continuity of care record standard (2011)
Journal Article
Jing, X., Kay, S., Marley, T., Hardiker, N., & Cimino, J. (2011). Incorporating personalized gene sequence variants, molecular genetics knowledge, and health knowledge into an EHR prototype based on the continuity of care record standard. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 45(1), 82-92.

Objectives: the current volume and complexity of genetic tests, and the molecular genetics knowledge and health knowledge related to interpretation of the results of those tests, are rapidly outstripping the ability of individual clinicians to recall... Read More about Incorporating personalized gene sequence variants, molecular genetics knowledge, and health knowledge into an EHR prototype based on the continuity of care record standard.

Semantic mappings and locality of nursing diagnostic concepts in UMLS (2011)
Journal Article
Kim, T., Coenen, A., & Hardiker, N. (2012). Semantic mappings and locality of nursing diagnostic concepts in UMLS. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 45(1), 93-100.

One solution for enhancing the interoperability between nursing information systems, given the availability of multiple nursing terminologies, is to cross-map existing nursing concepts. The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) developed and distrib... Read More about Semantic mappings and locality of nursing diagnostic concepts in UMLS.

‘It just seemed the most natural thing to do, but it was such hard work’: decision-making surrounding breast/bottle feeding among parents living in a deprived area where breastfeeding rates remain low (2011)
Presentation / Conference
Prosser, H. (2011, September). ‘It just seemed the most natural thing to do, but it was such hard work’: decision-making surrounding breast/bottle feeding among parents living in a deprived area where breastfeeding rates remain low. Presented at 43rd BSA Medical Sociology Group Annual Conference, University of Chester

It is well established that breastfeeding reduces child mortality and promotes child health and development. The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Women in low socioeconomic status (SES) gr... Read More about ‘It just seemed the most natural thing to do, but it was such hard work’: decision-making surrounding breast/bottle feeding among parents living in a deprived area where breastfeeding rates remain low.

The social and cultural significance of online gaming (2011)
Book Chapter
Crawford, G., Gosling, V., & Light, B. (2011). The social and cultural significance of online gaming. In Online Gaming in Context: The Social and Cultural Significance of Online Games. London: Routledge

The future of surgical nursing and enhanced recovery programmes (2011)
Journal Article
Mitchell, M. (2011). The future of surgical nursing and enhanced recovery programmes. British Journal of Nursing, 20(16), 978-984

Medical advances have led to the development of an increasing number of enhanced recovery programmes for patients undergoing surgery in the United Kingdom. Enhanced recovery is concerned with helping patients to get better sooner after an operation b... Read More about The future of surgical nursing and enhanced recovery programmes.

Transactional analysis : a method of analysing communication (2011)
Journal Article
Hollins Martin, C. (2011). Transactional analysis : a method of analysing communication. British Journal of Midwifery, 19(9), 587-593

Midwives are required to develop effective and constructive
communication skills for use within the workplace. When a student is on placement, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) essential skills clusters for care, compassion and communication a... Read More about Transactional analysis : a method of analysing communication.

Qualitative exploration of empowerment from the perspective of young people with psychosis (2011)
Journal Article
Grealish, A., Tai, S., Hunter, A., & Morrison, A. (2013). Qualitative exploration of empowerment from the perspective of young people with psychosis. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 20(2), 136-148.

Evidence suggests that empowerment is central to improving the effectiveness and quality of mental health care. Empowerment includes increased involvement, choice and access to health information for service users. Within the process of empowerment,... Read More about Qualitative exploration of empowerment from the perspective of young people with psychosis.

Exploring individual differences as determining factors in student academic achievement in higher education (2011)
Journal Article
student academic achievement in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 37(7), 793-810.

study investigated the association and relative influence of
cognitive/motivational and demographic factors on final degree grade point average (GPA) in a single undergraduate cohort. Although academic selfefficacy, approaches to learning, prior ach... Read More about Exploring individual differences as determining factors in student academic achievement in higher education.

White noise : a critical evaluation of social work education’s engagement with whiteness studies (2011)
Journal Article
Jeyasingham, D. (2012). White noise : a critical evaluation of social work education’s engagement with whiteness studies. British Journal of Social Work, 42(4), 669-686.

Literature about whiteness and white identities has proliferated across the social sciences and humanities over recent years. However, there has so far been only a small amount of writing in social work, almost all concerned with social work educatio... Read More about White noise : a critical evaluation of social work education’s engagement with whiteness studies.

Influence of gender and anaesthesia type on day surgery anxiety (2011)
Journal Article
Mitchell, M. (2011). Influence of gender and anaesthesia type on day surgery anxiety. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(5), 1014-1025.

Aim: To investigate the possible influence of gender and anaesthesia type on anxiety prior to day surgery.
Background: Elective surgery undertaken on a day, short stay or ‘day of surgery’ basis is growing and much emphasis also placed on ‘enhanced r... Read More about Influence of gender and anaesthesia type on day surgery anxiety.

Young, gifted, and caring: a project narrative of young carers, their mental health, and getting them involved in education, research and practice (2011)
Journal Article
them involved in education, research and practice. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 21, 12-19.

Young carers are a global phenomenon. The UK estimates it has in excess of 175 000 young carers, the onset of their caring role often occurring between 8 and 10 years of age. Of these, 17 000 are caring for a parent who has severe mental illness, a s... Read More about Young, gifted, and caring: a project narrative of young carers, their mental health, and getting them involved in education, research and practice.