Data analysis and reflexivity
Book Chapter
May, T., & Perry, B. Data analysis and reflexivity. In U. Flick (Ed.), Sage handbook of qualitative research. London: SAGE Publications.
Urban responses to climate change and resource constraint (2013)
Book Chapter
Hodson, M., & Marvin, S. (2013). Urban responses to climate change and resource constraint. In C. Cooper, G. Mulhern, & A. Colley (Eds.), Making the case for the Social Sciences 3 : sustainability, the environment and climate change (26-27). London: Academy of Social Sciences and The British Psychological Society
Translation, insulation and mediation: The shifting sands of University life (2013)
Book Chapter
May, T., & Perry, B. (2013). Translation, insulation and mediation: The shifting sands of University life. In P. Benneworth (Ed.), Universities Engagement with Socially Excluded Communities (199-222). Dordrecht: SpringerThis volume provides insightful analysis of the way higher education engages with socially excluded communities. Leading researchers and commentators examine the validity of the claim that universities can be active facilitators of social mobility, o... Read More about Translation, insulation and mediation: The shifting sands of University life.
Rethinking sustainable knowledge-based urbanism through active intermediation (2013)
Book Chapter
Perry, B., May, T., Marvin, S., & Hodson, M. (2013). Rethinking sustainable knowledge-based urbanism through active intermediation. In H. Andersen, & R. Atkinson (Eds.), Production and Use of Urban Knowledge : European Experiences (151-167). Dordrecht: Springer. chapter critically examines the challenges for the development of new styles of urbanism that are not only sustainable but also knowledge-based. It is divided into three sections. In section one, dominant and alternative responses to the twin ch... Read More about Rethinking sustainable knowledge-based urbanism through active intermediation.
Human action as an overarching determinant of sub-Saharan Africa’s urban land use planning (2013)
Book Chapter
Gyau, K., Hammond, F., Booth, C., Lamond, J., Proverbs, D., & Bloch, R. (2013). Human action as an overarching determinant of sub-Saharan Africa’s urban land use planning. In R. Abdulai (Ed.), A Compendium of International Real Estate & Construction Issues. Nova Science Publishers
Reflexivity (2013)
Book Chapter
May, T. (2013). Reflexivity. In B. Kaldis (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences. London: SageThis Encyclopedia is the first of its kind in bringing together philosophy and the social sciences. It is not only about the philosophy of the social sciences but, going beyond that, it is also about the relationship between philosophy
and the socia... Read More about Reflexivity.
Re-thinking sustainable knowledge-based urbanism through active intermediation (2013)
Book Chapter
Perry, B., May, T., Marvin, S., & Hodson, M. (2013). Re-thinking sustainable knowledge-based urbanism through active intermediation. In H. Anderson, & R. Atkinson (Eds.), The Production and Use of Urban Knowledge: European Experiences (151-168). Dordrecht: SpringerThis book provides new insights on cities and the nature of urban development, and the role of knowledge management in urban growth. It considers how knowledge informs policies and supports decision making, and can assist in addressing the drivers of... Read More about Re-thinking sustainable knowledge-based urbanism through active intermediation.
Material waste in the construction industry : a review of the legislative and supply chain issues, in Reuse of by products and materials in the construction industry (2013)
Book Chapter
Udeaja, C., Ekundayo, D., Zhou, L., & Perera, S. (2013). Material waste in the construction industry : a review of the legislative and supply chain issues, in Reuse of by products and materials in the construction industry. In A. Richardson (Ed.), Reuse of materials and byproducts in construction : waste minimization and recycling (5-27). London: Springer. chapter, introduces the reader to the legislative and supply chain issues surrounding the re-use of materials with regard to the construction industry. Sustainability is defined and material life cycle phases are identified. Key legislative issu... Read More about Material waste in the construction industry : a review of the legislative and supply chain issues, in Reuse of by products and materials in the construction industry.