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Case study: Design, operation, maintenance and water quality management of sustainable storm water ponds for roof run-off (2004)
Journal Article
Scholz, M. (2004). Case study: Design, operation, maintenance and water quality management of sustainable storm water ponds for roof run-off. Bioresource Technology, 95(3), 269-279.

The purpose of this case study was to optimise design, operation and maintenance guidelines, and to assess the water treatment potential of a storm water pond system after 15 months of operation. The system was based on a combined silt trap, attenuat... Read More about Case study: Design, operation, maintenance and water quality management of sustainable storm water ponds for roof run-off.

Supporting social human communication between distributed walk-in displays (2004)
Presentation / Conference
Wolff, R., Otto, O., Roberts, D., Kranzlmueller, D., Anthes, C., & Steed, A. (2004, November). Supporting social human communication between distributed walk-in displays. Presented at ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST'04), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Stormwater quality associated with a full silt trap discharging into an urban watercourse (2004)
Journal Article
Scholz, M., & Zettel, S. (2004). Stormwater quality associated with a full silt trap discharging into an urban watercourse. Water and Environment Journal, 18(4), 226-229.

The aim of this project was to assess the influence of a full silt trap on the quality of stormwater which was discharged into an urban watercourse. The average SS concentrations of the outflow were 2.0 and 34.1 mg/l during dry-weather and wet-weathe... Read More about Stormwater quality associated with a full silt trap discharging into an urban watercourse.

Collaboration around shared objects in immersive virtual environments (2004)
Presentation / Conference
Otto, O., Roberts, D., & Wolff, R. (2004, October). Collaboration around shared objects in immersive virtual environments. Presented at 8th IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications (DS-RT'04), Budapest, Hungary

Damage profiles of ultrashallow B implants in Si and the Kinchin-Pease relationship (2004)
Journal Article
van den Berg, J., Carter, G., Armour, D., Werner, M., Goldberg, R., Collart, E., …Noakes, T. (2004). Damage profiles of ultrashallow B implants in Si and the Kinchin-Pease relationship. Applied Physics Letters, 85(15), 3074-3076.

Damage distributions resulting from 0.1-2 keV B+ implantation at room temperature into Si(100) to doses ranging from 1×1014 to 2×1016 cm-2 have been determined using high-depth-resolution medium-energy-ion scattering in the double alignment mode. For... Read More about Damage profiles of ultrashallow B implants in Si and the Kinchin-Pease relationship.

Water quality characteristics of vegetated groundwater-fed ditches in a riparian peatland (2004)
Journal Article
Scholz, M., & Trepel, M. (2004). Water quality characteristics of vegetated groundwater-fed ditches in a riparian peatland. Science of the Total Environment, 332(1-3), 109-122.

The Environmental Ministry of Schleswig–Holstein (Northern Germany) has implemented a novel peatland rehabilitation programme to utilise the high denitrification potential of degenerated, minerotrophic peatlands for the reduction of nitrate input int... Read More about Water quality characteristics of vegetated groundwater-fed ditches in a riparian peatland.

A data mining approach to analysis and prediction of movie ratings (2004)
Presentation / Conference
Saraee, M., White, S., & Eccleston, J. (2004, September). A data mining approach to analysis and prediction of movie ratings. Presented at The Fifth International Conference on Data Mining, Text Mining and their Business Applications,, Malaga, Spain

This paper details our analysis of the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), a free, user-maintained, online resource of production details for over 390,000 movies, television series and video games, which contains information such as title, genre, box-off... Read More about A data mining approach to analysis and prediction of movie ratings.

Magnetically soft, high moment grain-refined Fe films: application to magnetic tunnel junctions (2004)
Journal Article
Georgieva, M., Telling, N., Grundy, P., Faunce, C., & Jones, G. (2004). Magnetically soft, high moment grain-refined Fe films: application to magnetic tunnel junctions. Journal of Applied Physics, 96(5), 2923-2926.

The effect of N-doping on the microstructure and magnetic properties of thin Fe layers has been employed to construct all Fe-electrode magnetic tunnel junctions that displayed the tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) effect. Using low nitrogen doses, a... Read More about Magnetically soft, high moment grain-refined Fe films: application to magnetic tunnel junctions.

Perception of low frequencies in small rooms (2004)
Presentation / Conference
Fazenda, B., & Avis, M. (2004, September). Perception of low frequencies in small rooms. Presented at IV Congreso Ibero-Americano de Acustica, Guimaraes, Portugal

Critical listening rooms are spaces carefully designed to provide the listener with an accurate listening environment. It is well known that in small rooms, resonances may occur that will cause some amplification or attenuation of sound at certain fr... Read More about Perception of low frequencies in small rooms.