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Outputs (12)

Two-way fluid-structure interaction hydroelastic simulation of vibrating membranes with applications in marine engineering using ANSYS fluent FSI (2021)
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Beg, T., Pattison, J., Inam, O., Kuharat, S., Kadir, A., & Jouri, W. (2021, December). Two-way fluid-structure interaction hydroelastic simulation of vibrating membranes with applications in marine engineering using ANSYS fluent FSI. Presented at ICMEAMT 2021: 15th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics and Technology, Cairo, Egypt

Modern ocean engineering is developing quickly and floating cities, new energy harvesting methods and novel marine systemsare unfolding in the 21stcentury. The intelligent design of many such systems is exploiting “compliant” structures w... Read More about Two-way fluid-structure interaction hydroelastic simulation of vibrating membranes with applications in marine engineering using ANSYS fluent FSI.

Aero-acoustic turbulent computational fluid dynamics simulation of a generic automobile with multiple broadband source models (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Various transport engineering systems face numerous challenges to contain the excessive excitations due to aeroacoustics. The regulation of noise, stability and passenger comfort are some of the key parameters that are critical for optimi... Read More about Aero-acoustic turbulent computational fluid dynamics simulation of a generic automobile with multiple broadband source models.

Computation of reactive mixed convection radiative viscoelastic nanofluid thermo-solutal transport from a stretching sheet with Joule heating (2021)
Journal Article
Shamshuddin, M., Salawu, S., Beg, O., Kadir, A., & Beg, T. (2021). Computation of reactive mixed convection radiative viscoelastic nanofluid thermo-solutal transport from a stretching sheet with Joule heating. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 42(6), 1005-1029.

As a model for electroconductive nanomaterials processing, the present article examines incompressible mixed
convection nanofluid flow with convective heat transport from a stretching sheet under the impact of Joule heating
and radiative heat flux.... Read More about Computation of reactive mixed convection radiative viscoelastic nanofluid thermo-solutal transport from a stretching sheet with Joule heating.

Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic couple stress fluid flow from a shrinking porous sheet: Variational iteration method study (2021)
Journal Article
Reddy, G. J., Hiremath, A., Kumar, M., Beg, O., & Kadir, A. (2022). Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic couple stress fluid flow from a shrinking porous sheet: Variational iteration method study. Heat Transfer, 51(2), 2219-2236.

AbstractMotivated by magnetic polymer manufacturing applications, the present research article examines theoretically the hydromagnetic boundary layer flow of an electrically conducting non‐Newtonian couple stress fluid due to a transient shrinking (... Read More about Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic couple stress fluid flow from a shrinking porous sheet: Variational iteration method study.

Computational fluid dynamics simulation and visualization of Newtonian and non-Newtonian transport in a peristaltic micro-pump (2021)
Journal Article
El Gendy, M., Beg, O., Kadir, A., Islam, M., & Tripathi, D. (2021). Computational fluid dynamics simulation and visualization of Newtonian and non-Newtonian transport in a peristaltic micro-pump. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 21(8), 2150058.

Motivated by recent developments in bio-inspired medical engineering microscale pumps, in
the present article a 3-dimensional sequential simulation of a peristaltic micro-pump is
described to provide deeper insight into the hydromechanics of lamina... Read More about Computational fluid dynamics simulation and visualization of Newtonian and non-Newtonian transport in a peristaltic micro-pump.

Spectral relaxation computation of electroconductive nanofluid convection flow from a moving surface with radiative flux and magnetic induction (2021)
Journal Article

A theoretical model is developed for steady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) viscous flow resulting from a moving
semi-infinite flat plate in an electrically conducting nanofluid. Thermal radiation and magnetic induction effects are
included in addition t... Read More about Spectral relaxation computation of electroconductive nanofluid convection flow from a moving surface with radiative flux and magnetic induction.

Spectral numerical study of entropy generation in magneto-convective viscoelastic biofluid flow through poro-elastic media with thermal radiation and buoyancy effects (2021)
Journal Article
Mallikarjuna, B., Krishna, G., Srinivas, J., Beg, O., & Kadir, A. (2022). Spectral numerical study of entropy generation in magneto-convective viscoelastic biofluid flow through poro-elastic media with thermal radiation and buoyancy effects. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 14(1), 011008.

Electromagnetic high-temperature therapy is popular in medical engineering treatments for various diseases include tissue damage ablation repair, hyperthermia and oncological illness diagnosis. The simulation of transport phenomena in such applicatio... Read More about Spectral numerical study of entropy generation in magneto-convective viscoelastic biofluid flow through poro-elastic media with thermal radiation and buoyancy effects.

Numerical study of nano-biofilm stagnation flow from a nonlinear stretching/shrinking surface with variable nanofluid and bioconvection transport properties (2021)
Journal Article

A mathematical model is developed for stagnation point flow toward a stretching or shrinking sheet of liquid nano-biofilm containing spherical nano-particles and bioconvecting gyrotactic micro-organisms. Variable transport properties of the liquid (v... Read More about Numerical study of nano-biofilm stagnation flow from a nonlinear stretching/shrinking surface with variable nanofluid and bioconvection transport properties.

High-temperature corrosion protection of gas turbine blades with micro-coatings and nano-coatings : simulation and experiments (2021)

Material degradation at high temperature is a serious problem in gas turbines in aircraft. In these systems, the expansion blades experience high temperatures ranging from 850 Celsius to in excess of 1000 Celsius. High temperature corrosion is very s... Read More about High-temperature corrosion protection of gas turbine blades with micro-coatings and nano-coatings : simulation and experiments.

Computation of ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic nanofluid flow over a stretching cylinder with induction and curvature effects (2021)
Journal Article
Mizan, M., Ferdows, M., Shamshuddin, M., Beg, O., Salawu, S. O., & Kadir, A. (2021). Computation of ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic nanofluid flow over a stretching cylinder with induction and curvature effects. Heat Transfer, 50(6), 5240-5266.

AbstractMotivated by enrobing processes in manufacturing technology with intelligent coatings, this study analyses the flow of an electroconductive incompressible nanofluid with heat distribution in a boundary layer containing metallic nanoparticles... Read More about Computation of ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic nanofluid flow over a stretching cylinder with induction and curvature effects.