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Outputs (12)

Computation of viscous channel flow in a rotating magnetohydrodynamic energy generator configuration with oscillatory effects (2021)
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Beg, T., El Gendy, M., Kadir, A., & Leonard, H. (2021, January). Computation of viscous channel flow in a rotating magnetohydrodynamic energy generator configuration with oscillatory effects. Presented at ICETP 2021: 15th International Conference on Energy and Thermal Physics, Rome, Italy

With the desire for a green economy in the 21st century, considerable resurgence in renewable energy systems has been
witnessed. Among the most promising and least environmentally damaging systems is the MHD (magnetohydrodynamic)
energy generator.... Read More about Computation of viscous channel flow in a rotating magnetohydrodynamic energy generator configuration with oscillatory effects.

Computational fluid dynamic simulation of thermal convection in green fuel cells with finite volume and lattice Boltzmann methods (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The modern thrust for green energy technologies has witnessed considerable efforts in developing efficient, environmentally friendly fuel cells. This has been particularly so in the automotive sector which is the dominant mode of personal... Read More about Computational fluid dynamic simulation of thermal convection in green fuel cells with finite volume and lattice Boltzmann methods.