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Outputs (40)

Numerical investigation of unloading effects due to excavation of geometrically non-homogeneous stratified rock masses using finite element analysis (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Sauffisseau, R., & Ahangar Asr, A. (2018, June). Numerical investigation of unloading effects due to excavation of geometrically non-homogeneous stratified rock masses using finite element analysis. Presented at 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) & 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), Glasgow, UK

With the growth of population in the cities and the lack of land nearby, buildings are now reaching heights and depths (basements) demanding larger and deeper foundations. These excavations cause the unloading of the ground in some directions which c... Read More about Numerical investigation of unloading effects due to excavation of geometrically non-homogeneous stratified rock masses using finite element analysis.

An evolutionary approach to modelling effects of chemicals on soils (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Ahangar Asr, A., & Javadi, A. (2016, March). An evolutionary approach to modelling effects of chemicals on soils. Presented at ACME-UK 24th Conference on Computational Mechanics, Cardiff

As part of a study undertaken to assess the impact of high-pH fluid circulation on the shear strength behaviour of a compacted soil with different additives and due to the complexity of the existing constitutive theories, a new approach was used, bas... Read More about An evolutionary approach to modelling effects of chemicals on soils.

Air losses through the tunnel face in compressed air tunneling : a case study (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Ahangar Asr, A., & Javadi, A. (2015, September). Air losses through the tunnel face in compressed air tunneling : a case study. Presented at 16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Edinburgh, UK

In this study field measurement data from Feldmoching tunnel in Munich were used to develop a model with the capability of predicting the air losses in compressed air tunnelling technique. In this tunnelling project, compressed air was used to contro... Read More about Air losses through the tunnel face in compressed air tunneling : a case study.

An evolutionary approach to modelling the thermo-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils (2015)
Journal Article
Ahangar Asr, A., Javadi, A., & Khalili, N. (2015). An evolutionary approach to modelling the thermo-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 39(5), 539-557.

A new data mining approach is presented for modelling of the stress-strain and volume change behaviour of unsaturated soils considering temperature effects. The proposed approach is based on the evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR), which unlike... Read More about An evolutionary approach to modelling the thermo-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils.

A surrogate model for simulation–optimization of aquifer systems subjected to seawater intrusion (2015)
Journal Article
Hussain, M., Javadi, A., Ahangar Asr, A., & Farmani, R. (2015). A surrogate model for simulation–optimization of aquifer systems subjected to seawater intrusion. Journal of Hydrology, 523, 542-554.

This study presents the application of Evolutionary Polynomial Regression (EPR) as a pattern recognition system to predicate the behavior of nonlinear and computationally complex aquifer systems subjected to
seawater intrusion (SWI). The developed E... Read More about A surrogate model for simulation–optimization of aquifer systems subjected to seawater intrusion.

A new evolutionary approach to geotechnical and geo-environmental modelling (2015)
Book Chapter
Hussain, M., Ahangar Asr, A., Chen, Y., & Javadi, A. (2015). A new evolutionary approach to geotechnical and geo-environmental modelling. In A. Gandomi Conor Ryan, A. Alavi, & R. Conor (Eds.), Handbook of Genetic Programming Applications (483-499). Springer International Publishing.

In many cases, models based on certain laws of physics can be developed to describe the behaviour of physical systems. However, in case of more complex phenomena with less known or understood contributing parameters or variables the physics-based mod... Read More about A new evolutionary approach to geotechnical and geo-environmental modelling.

Lateral load bearing capacity modelling of piles in cohesive soils in undrained conditions; an intelligent evolutionary approach (2014)
Journal Article
Ahangar Asr, A., Javadi, A., Johari, A., & Chen, Y. (2014). Lateral load bearing capacity modelling of piles in cohesive soils in undrained conditions; an intelligent evolutionary approach. Applied Soft Computing, 24, 822-828.

The complex behaviour of fine-grained materials in relation with structural elements has received noticeable attention from geotechnical engineers and designers in recent decades. In this research work an evolutionary approach is presented to create... Read More about Lateral load bearing capacity modelling of piles in cohesive soils in undrained conditions; an intelligent evolutionary approach.

Modeling the thermo-mechanical triaxial shearing behavior of unsaturated soils using EPR (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Ahangar Asr, A., Javadi, A., & Khalili, N. (2014, July). Modeling the thermo-mechanical triaxial shearing behavior of unsaturated soils using EPR. Presented at International Conference on Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications UNSAT2014, Sydney, Australia

The proposed approach for modeling the thermo-mechanical of behavior of unsaturated soils is based on the evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR), which generates a transparent and structured representation of the behavior of systems directly from r... Read More about Modeling the thermo-mechanical triaxial shearing behavior of unsaturated soils using EPR.

Modelling swelling induced lateral pressure transmission control on retaining structures on expansive soils (2014)
Book Chapter

In this research work the complicated phenomena of swelling behaviour of expansive soils is modelled using an evolutionary approach proposed to develop a structured polynomial model for predicting the lateral swelling pressure of soils on retaining s... Read More about Modelling swelling induced lateral pressure transmission control on retaining structures on expansive soils.