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Outputs (5)

A survey of explainable artificial intelligence in healthcare: Concepts, applications, and challenges (2024)
Journal Article
Mienye, I. D., Obaido, G., Jere, N., Mienye, E., Aruleba, K., Emmanuel, I. D., & Ogbuokiri, B. (2024). A survey of explainable artificial intelligence in healthcare: Concepts, applications, and challenges. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, 51, Article 101587.

Explainable AI (XAI) has the potential to transform healthcare by making AI-driven medical decisions more transparent, reliable, and ethically compliant. Despite its promise, the healthcare sector faces several challenges, including the need to balan... Read More about A survey of explainable artificial intelligence in healthcare: Concepts, applications, and challenges.

Enhancing Energy Access in Africa through Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Africa faces significant challenges in achieving uni- versal energy access, a fundamental prerequisite for sustainable development. This paper explores the potential of artificial intelli- gence (AI) in bridging this gap by enhancing grid management,... Read More about Enhancing Energy Access in Africa through Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges.

Supervised machine learning in drug discovery and development: Algorithms, applications, challenges, and prospects (2024)
Journal Article

Drug discovery and development is a time-consuming process that involves identifying, designing, and testing new drugs to address critical medical needs. In recent years, machine learning (ML) has played a vital role in technological advancements and... Read More about Supervised machine learning in drug discovery and development: Algorithms, applications, challenges, and prospects.