Long-term monitoring of animals that have undergone wildlife rehabilitation is crucial to assess their long-term survival and adaptation after release. This study evaluates a primate rehabilitation centre in Belize, with a focus on the 78 Yucatán bla... Read More about 12 Years On Assessment Of The Release Rehabilitation Program Of Yucatan Black Howler Monkeys Alouatta Pigra In The Northeastern Biological Corridor Of Belize Pdf.
Outputs (100)
Whole genomes of Amazonian uakari monkeys reveal complex connectivity and fast differentiation driven by high environmental dynamism (2024)
Journal Article
Despite showing the greatest primate diversity on the planet, genomic studies on Amazonian primates show very little representation in the literature. With 48 geolocalized high coverage whole genomes from wild uakari monkeys, we present the first pop... Read More about Whole genomes of Amazonian uakari monkeys reveal complex connectivity and fast differentiation driven by high environmental dynamism.
Impact of Quaternary Amazonian river dynamics on the diversification of uakari monkeys (genus Cacajao) (2024)
Journal Article
AimThe central and western Amazonia underwent several landscape changes during the Quaternary. Whereas the Riverine Barrier Hypothesis is traditionally used to explain the influence of rivers on speciation, processes such as river rearrangements have... Read More about Impact of Quaternary Amazonian river dynamics on the diversification of uakari monkeys (genus Cacajao).
Comparison of dental topography of marmosets and tamarins (Callitrichidae) to other platyrrhine primates using a novel freeware pipeline (2024)
Journal Article
Dental topographic metrics (DTMs), which quantify different aspects of the shape of teeth, are powerful tools for studying dietary adaptation and evolution in mammals. However, comparative samples of scanned mammal teeth suitable for analysis with D... Read More about Comparison of dental topography of marmosets and tamarins (Callitrichidae) to other platyrrhine primates using a novel freeware pipeline.
Comparison of dental topography of marmosets and tamarins (Callitrichidae) to other platyrrhine primates using a novel freeware pipeline (2024)
Journal Article
Dental topographic metrics (DTMs), which quantify different aspects of the shape of teeth, are powerful tools for studying dietary adaptation and evolution in mammals. Current DTM protocols usually rely on proprietary software, which may be unavailab... Read More about Comparison of dental topography of marmosets and tamarins (Callitrichidae) to other platyrrhine primates using a novel freeware pipeline.
Examining Human Wild-carnivore conflicts in Kargil Trans-Himalayas, India (2024)
The inevitable human interaction with wildlife often gives rise to human-wildlife conflicts
inflicting tangible (e.g., financial, persecutions) and intangible (e.g., emotional) losses on
both sides. Despite the lack of scientific records in Kargil... Read More about Examining Human Wild-carnivore conflicts in Kargil Trans-Himalayas, India.
Identification of constrained sequence elements across 239 primate genomes. (2023)
Journal Article
Noncoding DNA is central to our understanding of human gene regulation and complex diseases , and measuring the evolutionary sequence constraint can establish the functional relevance of putative regulatory elements in the human genome . Identifying... Read More about Identification of constrained sequence elements across 239 primate genomes..
Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Habitat Suitability of Bearded Sakis (Chiropotes, Lesson 1840) (2023)
Pitheciinae are a subfamily of South American monkeys. They possess dental specialisations that allow them to break open the hard pericarps of fruits, making them ecological seed predators. The genera that make up this subfamily are Cacajao (Lesson,... Read More about Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Habitat Suitability of Bearded Sakis (Chiropotes, Lesson 1840).
The spider monkeys (genus Ateles) (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1806) are one of the most
widespread platyrrhine primates, ranging from the tropical and subtropical rainforests of the
Yucatan peninsula and coastal regions of Vera Cruz state in Mexico... Read More about A review of taxonomic history and phylogeography for the spider monkeys (genus Ateles), with habitat suitability modelling for Amazonian Ateles.
Climate determines transmission hotspots of Polycystic Echinococcosis, a life-threatening zoonotic disease, across Pan-Amazonia (2023)
Journal Article
Polycystic Echinococcosis (PE), a neglected life-threatening zoonotic disease caused by the cestode is endemic in the Amazon. Despite being treatable, PE reaches a case fatality rate of around 29% due to late or missed diagnosis. PE is sustained in... Read More about Climate determines transmission hotspots of Polycystic Echinococcosis, a life-threatening zoonotic disease, across Pan-Amazonia.