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Two hundred and five newly assembled mitogenomes provide mixed evidence for rivers as drivers of speciation for Amazonian primates (2022)
Journal Article

Mitochondrial DNA remains a cornerstone for molecular ecology, especially for study species from which high-quality tissue samples cannot be easily obtained. Methods using mitochondrial markers are usually reliant on reference databases, but these ar... Read More about Two hundred and five newly assembled mitogenomes provide mixed evidence for rivers as drivers of speciation for Amazonian primates.

Molecular phylogeny and systematics of bald uakaris, genus Cacajao (Primates: Pitheciidae), with the description of a new species. (2022)
Journal Article

Bald uakaris, genus Cacajao, are Amazonian primates currently classified as one species and four subspecies based on the patterns of pelage coloration. In this study, we test if their current taxonomy is represented by the phylogenetic relationship o... Read More about Molecular phylogeny and systematics of bald uakaris, genus Cacajao (Primates: Pitheciidae), with the description of a new species..

Molecular phylogeny and systematics of bald uakaris, genus Cacajao (Primates: Pitheciidae), with the description of a new species. (2022)
Journal Article

Bald uakaris, genus Cacajao, are Amazonian primates currently classified as one species and four subspecies based on the patterns of pelage coloration. In this study, we test if their current taxonomy is represented by the phylogenetic relationship o... Read More about Molecular phylogeny and systematics of bald uakaris, genus Cacajao (Primates: Pitheciidae), with the description of a new species..

Amazonia camtrap: A dataset of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest. (2022)
Journal Article

The Amazon forest has the highest biodiversity on earth. However, information on Amazonian vertebrate diversity is still deficient and scattered across the published, peer-reviewed and grey literature and in unpublished raw data. Camera traps are an... Read More about Amazonia camtrap: A dataset of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest..

Out of the shadows : multilocus systematics and biogeography of night monkeys suggest a Central Amazonian origin and a very recent widespread southeastward expansion in South America (2022)
Journal Article

Neotropical primates with a poorly understood taxonomy and biogeography. The number of species in the genus varies from one to nine, depending on the author, and there are at least 18 known karyotypes, varying from 2n = 46 to 2n = 58. Historically, n... Read More about Out of the shadows : multilocus systematics and biogeography of night monkeys suggest a Central Amazonian origin and a very recent widespread southeastward expansion in South America.

Uncertainty regarding species delimitation, geographic distribution, and the evolutionary history of south-central Amazonian titi monkey species (Plecturocebus, Pitheciidae) (2021)
Journal Article

Platyrrhine primate taxonomy is a rapidly evolving area of research. The recent description of the Parecis titi monkey, Plecturocebus parecis, has raised substantial questions regarding the taxonomy, distribution, and evolutionary history of titi tax... Read More about Uncertainty regarding species delimitation, geographic distribution, and the evolutionary history of south-central Amazonian titi monkey species (Plecturocebus, Pitheciidae).

Ancient DNA of the pygmy marmoset type specimen Cebuella pygmaea (Spix, 1823) resolves a taxonomic conundrum (2021)
Journal Article

The pygmy marmoset, the smallest of the anthropoid primates, has a broad distribution in Western Amazonia. Recent studies using molecular and morphological data have identified two distinct species separated by the Napo and Solimões-Amazonas rivers.... Read More about Ancient DNA of the pygmy marmoset type specimen Cebuella pygmaea (Spix, 1823) resolves a taxonomic conundrum.