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Outputs (15)

A Novel Topic Modelling Framework for Automated Surveying of Computer Vision Research in Prostate Cancer Detection (2025)
Journal Article

Retrieving the relevant information or material makes a big difference in the medical field because it is necessary to acquire updates on recent findings and inferences so that the practitioners can understand the state-of-the-art topics. Thus, extra... Read More about A Novel Topic Modelling Framework for Automated Surveying of Computer Vision Research in Prostate Cancer Detection.

Developing a Framework to Identify Professional Skills Required for Banking Sector Employee in UK using Natural Language Processing (NLP) Techniques (2024)

The banking sector is changing dramatically, and new studies reveal that many financial institutions are having challenges keeping up with technology advancements and an acute shortage of skilled workers. The banking industry is changing into a dynam... Read More about Developing a Framework to Identify Professional Skills Required for Banking Sector Employee in UK using Natural Language Processing (NLP) Techniques.

SkinLesNet: Classification of Skin Lesions and Detection of Melanoma Cancer Using a Novel Multi-Layer Deep Convolutional Neural Network (2023)
Journal Article
Azeem, M., Kiani, K., Mansouri, T., & Topping, N. (2023). SkinLesNet: Classification of Skin Lesions and Detection of Melanoma Cancer Using a Novel Multi-Layer Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Cancers, 16(1), 108.

Skin cancer is a widespread disease that typically develops on the skin due to frequent exposure to sunlight. Although cancer can appear on any part of the human body, skin cancer accounts for a significant proportion of all new cancer diagnoses worl... Read More about SkinLesNet: Classification of Skin Lesions and Detection of Melanoma Cancer Using a Novel Multi-Layer Deep Convolutional Neural Network.

SkinLesNet: Classification of Skin Lesions Using a Multi-Layer Deep Convolutional Neural Network in Dermoscopy Images (2023)
Journal Article
Azeem, M., Kiani, K., & Mansouri, T. (2023). SkinLesNet: Classification of Skin Lesions Using a Multi-Layer Deep Convolutional Neural Network in Dermoscopy Images. Cancers, 16(1),

Skin cancer is a widespread disease that typically develops on the skin due to frequent exposure to sunlight. Although cancer can appear on any part of the human body, skin cancer accounts for a significant proportion of all new cancer diagnoses worl... Read More about SkinLesNet: Classification of Skin Lesions Using a Multi-Layer Deep Convolutional Neural Network in Dermoscopy Images.

Inference for Survival Models with Doubly Interval Censored Data and Fixed or Time Dependent Covariate (2019)
Book Chapter
Kiani, K., & Arasan, J. (2019). Inference for Survival Models with Doubly Interval Censored Data and Fixed or Time Dependent Covariate. In S. Ao, L. Gelman, & H. Kim (Eds.), Transactions on Engineering Technologies (187-203). Springer.

In this research inference for survival models with doubly interval censored (DIC) data and fixed or time dependent covariate is discussed. DIC data usually arise in follow-up studies where the lifetime, T = W − V  is the elapsed time between two rel... Read More about Inference for Survival Models with Doubly Interval Censored Data and Fixed or Time Dependent Covariate.

Mean and cell-mean imputation resulting in the use of a semicontinuous distribution and a mixture of semicontinuous distributions (2017)
Journal Article
Aliakbari Saba, R., Rezaei Ghahroodi, Z., Kiani, K., & Berridge, D. M. (in press). Mean and cell-mean imputation resulting in the use of a semicontinuous distribution and a mixture of semicontinuous distributions. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 46(23), 11450-11465.

Zero-inflated models are commonly used for modeling count and continuous data with extra zeros. Inflations at one point or two points apart from zero for modeling continuous data have been discussed less than that of zero inflation. In this article,... Read More about Mean and cell-mean imputation resulting in the use of a semicontinuous distribution and a mixture of semicontinuous distributions.

Interval estimations for parameters of Gompertz model with time-dependent covariate and right censored data (2012)
Journal Article
Kiani, K., Arasan, J., & Midi, H. (2012). Interval estimations for parameters of Gompertz model with time-dependent covariate and right censored data. Sains malaysiana, 41(4), 471-480

There are numerous parametric models for analyzing survival data such as exponential, Weibull, log-normal and gamma. One of such models is the Gompertz model which is widely used in biology and demography. Most of these models are extended to new for... Read More about Interval estimations for parameters of Gompertz model with time-dependent covariate and right censored data.

Gompertz model with time-dependent covariate in the presence of interval-, right- and left-censored data (2012)
Journal Article
Kiani, K., & Arasan, J. (2013). Gompertz model with time-dependent covariate in the presence of interval-, right- and left-censored data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 83(8), 1472-1490.

In this paper, the Gompertz model is extended to incorporate time-dependent covariates in the presence of interval-, right-, left-censored and uncensored data. Then, its performance at different sample sizes, study periods and attendance probabilitie... Read More about Gompertz model with time-dependent covariate in the presence of interval-, right- and left-censored data.