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How can UK housing projects be brought in line with net-zero carbon emission targets? (2021)
Journal Article
Jankovic, L., Bharadwaj, P., & Carta, S. (2021). How can UK housing projects be brought in line with net-zero carbon emission targets?. Built Environment, 7, Article 754733.

Numerous local authorities are committed to constructing buildings to net-zero carbon emissions performance, and have declared carbon emergency, striving to reach carbon neutrality well before 2050. However, buildings in the UK are currently being de... Read More about How can UK housing projects be brought in line with net-zero carbon emission targets?.

COP26: here's how much progress the UK has made on three key net zero pledges (2021)
Fly, A., Wilson, G., & Jankovic, L. (2021). COP26: here's how much progress the UK has made on three key net zero pledges. London

The UK is hosting the 26th annual UN climate summit in Glasgow. Boris Johnson’s government boasts of having the most ambitious climate change targets in the world.

But how is the country’s progress to net zero emissions by 2050 going? We asked thr... Read More about COP26: here's how much progress the UK has made on three key net zero pledges.

Proceedings of Pathways to Resilient Zero Carbon Cities Conference, 12-13th July 2021 (2021)
Book Chapter
Jankovic, L. (2021). Proceedings of Pathways to Resilient Zero Carbon Cities Conference, 12-13th July 2021. In Pathways to Resilient Zero Carbon Cities

Due to the increasing risks from global warming, optimising our cities to cut carbon emissions to zero before 2050 is seen as one of the prerequisites for a sustainable world. In response to this challenge, a number of world cities have declared carb... Read More about Proceedings of Pathways to Resilient Zero Carbon Cities Conference, 12-13th July 2021.