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A multi-armed bandit approach to cost-sensitive decision tree learning (2012)
Presentation / Conference
Lomax, S., Vadera, S., & Saraee, M. (2012, December). A multi-armed bandit approach to cost-sensitive decision tree learning. Presented at 2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, Brussels, Belgium

Several authors have studied the problem of inducing decision trees that aim to minimize costs of misclassification and take account of costs of tests. The approaches adopted vary from modifying the information theoretic attribute selection measure u... Read More about A multi-armed bandit approach to cost-sensitive decision tree learning.

Privacy preserving mining of association rules on horizontally distributed databases (2012)
Presentation / Conference
distributed databases. Presented at International Conference on Software and Computer Applications ICSCA 2012, Singapore

These protocols are based on two main approaches named as: the Randomization approach and the Cryptographic approach. The first one is based on perturbation of the valuable information while the second one uses cryptographic techniques. The randomiza... Read More about Privacy preserving mining of association rules on horizontally distributed databases.

A new method for compressing massive RFID data to achieve efficient mining (2012)
Journal Article
Hafezi, L., Saraee, M., & Montazeri, M. (2012). A new method for compressing massive RFID data to achieve efficient mining. International journal of computer theory and engineering (Print), 4(5), 694-696.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been used for many purposes and has had effective results. This technology eases and accelerates many applications, but it has proposed a challenge, and that is the production of such a volume of d... Read More about A new method for compressing massive RFID data to achieve efficient mining.