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Outputs (41)

Multiple resonances in lossy acoustic black holes - theory and experiment (2022)
Journal Article
Umnova, O., Brooke, D., Leclaire, P., & Dupont, T. (2022). Multiple resonances in lossy acoustic black holes - theory and experiment. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 543,

Acoustic properties of the metamaterial graded absorber, also known as ``acoustic black hole'', are studied in the linear regime. The absorber consists of thin metallic circular plates, each with a central perforation, separated by annular air caviti... Read More about Multiple resonances in lossy acoustic black holes - theory and experiment.

Acoustic wave propagation in permeable lossy metamaterials (2022)
Journal Article
Venegas, R., Núñez, G., Boutin, C., Umnova, O., & Zhang, Q. (2022). Acoustic wave propagation in permeable lossy metamaterials. Physics of Fluids, 34(1), 017117.

This paper investigates acoustic wave propagation in gas-saturated permeable lossy metamaterials, which have different types of resonators, namely, acoustic and elastic resonators, as building-block elements. By using the two-scale asymptotic homogen... Read More about Acoustic wave propagation in permeable lossy metamaterials.

Acoustic metamaterials comprised of dead-end pores and black hole effect for low frequency sound absorption in linear and nonlinear regimes (2021)
Brooke, D. Acoustic metamaterials comprised of dead-end pores and black hole effect for low frequency sound absorption in linear and nonlinear regimes. (Thesis). University of Salford

The aim of this work is to design and test acoustic metamaterial absorbers particularly for mitigation of
low frequency sound of high intensity. The absorbers designed are formed of a series of plates with a
central perforation, separated by air... Read More about Acoustic metamaterials comprised of dead-end pores and black hole effect for low frequency sound absorption in linear and nonlinear regimes.

Nonlinear dynamics of coupled transverse-rotational waves in granular chains (2019)
Journal Article
Zhang, Q., Umnova, O., & Venegas, R. (2019). Nonlinear dynamics of coupled transverse-rotational waves in granular chains. Physical Review E, 100(6), 062206.

The nonlinear dynamics of coupled waves in one-dimensional granular chains with and without a substrate
is theoretically studied accounting for quadratic nonlinearity. The multiple time scale method is used to derive
the nonlinear dispersion relati... Read More about Nonlinear dynamics of coupled transverse-rotational waves in granular chains.