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Outputs (13)

A time domain boundary element method for compliant surfaces (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Hargreaves, J., & Cox, T. (2008, January). A time domain boundary element method for compliant surfaces. Presented at EURONOISE, the 155th ASA Meeting, and the 9th Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Paris, France

The best way of representing compliant surfaces in time domain prediction models, such as the transient Boundary Element Method (BEM), is currently unresolved. This is not true of frequency-domain, time-invariant models, where the common practice is... Read More about A time domain boundary element method for compliant surfaces.

Acoustics of activated carbon (2008)
Bechwati, F. Acoustics of activated carbon. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

This thesis describes a study into how sound interacts with activated carbon, a material that
exhibits adsorbing and desorbing properties. Adsorption is where molecules from the
surrounding gas are attracted to the material microstructure and hel... Read More about Acoustics of activated carbon.

Acoustics of activated carbon (2008)
Bechwati, F. Acoustics of activated carbon. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

This thesis describes a study into how sound interacts with activated carbon, a material that
exhibits adsorbing and desorbing properties. Adsorption is where molecules from the
surrounding gas are attracted to the material microstructure and hel... Read More about Acoustics of activated carbon.