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Outputs (7)

Understanding human responses to air source heat pump noise: examining tonal changes and operating cycles (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Air Source Heat Pumps are pivotal in the Government of the United Kingdom's target of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. However, their widespread adoption faces challenges, with noise being among the main barriers to entry and a restrictin... Read More about Understanding human responses to air source heat pump noise: examining tonal changes and operating cycles.

Using audio content and emotional response to predict soundscape perception through machine learning (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This study is concerned with utilizing machine learning techniques for predicting soundscape perception by identifying the audio content of soundscapes and linking it with people's reported emotional responses. This research goal required developing... Read More about Using audio content and emotional response to predict soundscape perception through machine learning.

Combining Grounded Theory (GT) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to analyze indoor soundscape in historical spaces (2019)
Journal Article
Acun, V., & Yilmazer, S. (2019). Combining Grounded Theory (GT) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to analyze indoor soundscape in historical spaces. Applied Acoustics, 155, 515-524.

This paper reports the findings of indoor soundscape research that was conducted in a historical museum setting. The study took place in the historic caravanserai of Cengelhan, which is currently a part of the Rahmi Koc Museum. A combination of quali... Read More about Combining Grounded Theory (GT) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to analyze indoor soundscape in historical spaces.

A grounded theory approach to assess indoor soundscape in historic religious spaces of Anatolian culture: A case study on Hacı Bayram Mosque (2018)
Journal Article
Yilmazer, S., & Acun, V. (2018). A grounded theory approach to assess indoor soundscape in historic religious spaces of Anatolian culture: A case study on Hacı Bayram Mosque. Building Acoustics, 25(2),

This study presents a research that is concerned with the indoor soundscape in historical mosque. Hacı Bayram Mosque and its surroundings area of Hamamönü has been selected as the research site due to being the historical centre of Ankara. Although t... Read More about A grounded theory approach to assess indoor soundscape in historic religious spaces of Anatolian culture: A case study on Hacı Bayram Mosque.

Understanding the indoor soundscape of study areas in terms of users' satisfaction, coping methods and perceptual dimensions (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The soundscape approach is not concerned with the sound level of an acoustic environment, but how it relates to human perception, how it is conceived by the individual and how it should be measured and managed. Even though it reached wide popularity... Read More about Understanding the indoor soundscape of study areas in terms of users' satisfaction, coping methods and perceptual dimensions.

A grounded theory approach to investigate the perceived soundscape of open-plan offices (2017)
Journal Article
Acun, V., & Yilmazer, S. (2018). A grounded theory approach to investigate the perceived soundscape of open-plan offices. Applied Acoustics, 131, 28-37.

This paper presents the findings of a user focused soundscape survey, that took place in a visual task based and a computational task based open-plan office spaces. Aim of this study was to conduct a grounded theory survey which captures individuals’... Read More about A grounded theory approach to investigate the perceived soundscape of open-plan offices.