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Outputs (4)

The 2nd Clarity Prediction Challenge: A Machine Learning Challenge for Hearing Aid Intelligibility Prediction (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper reports on the design and outcomes of the 2nd Clarity Prediction Challenge (CPC2) for predicting the intelligibility of hearing aid processed signals heard by individuals with a hearing impairment. The challenge was designed to promote new... Read More about The 2nd Clarity Prediction Challenge: A Machine Learning Challenge for Hearing Aid Intelligibility Prediction.

The 2nd Clarity Enhancement Challenge for Hearing Aid Speech Intelligibility Enhancement: Overview and Outcomes (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper reports on the design and outcomes of the 2nd Clarity Enhancement Challenge (CEC2), a challenge for stimulating novel approaches to hearing-aid speech intelligibility enhancement. The challenge was for a listener attending to a target spea... Read More about The 2nd Clarity Enhancement Challenge for Hearing Aid Speech Intelligibility Enhancement: Overview and Outcomes.

The creation of an assessment tool for the analysis of two forms of heat damage in animal hair (2020)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, L., Bailey, J. W., & Gwinnett, C. (2020). The creation of an assessment tool for the analysis of two forms of heat damage in animal hair. Forensic Science International, 312, Article 110265.

Animal cruelty cases can involve a variety of mistreatment to domestic animals. A common source of abuse is the use of heat sources, such as ovens, hot surfaces and microwaves. Analysis of damage to skin by a veterinarian is a key aspect of these inv... Read More about The creation of an assessment tool for the analysis of two forms of heat damage in animal hair.