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Outputs (3)

Building assessment during disaster response and recovery (2008)
Journal Article
Peña-Mora, F., Aziz, Z., Chen, A., Plans, A., & Foltz, S. (2008). Building assessment during disaster response and recovery. Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning, 161(4), 183-195.

During disaster response and recovery operations,
civil engineers can be assigned a multitude of tasks
including triage of building search priorities, identifi cation
and evaluation of structural hazards, as well as the
development of appropriate... Read More about Building assessment during disaster response and recovery.

Building assessment during disaster response and recovery (2008)
Journal Article
Peña-Mora, F., Aziz, Z., Chen, A., Plans, A., & Foltz, S. (2008). Building assessment during disaster response and recovery. Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning, 161(4), 183-195.

During disaster response and recovery operations,
civil engineers can be assigned a multitude of tasks
including triage of building search priorities, identifi cation
and evaluation of structural hazards, as well as the
development of appropriate... Read More about Building assessment during disaster response and recovery.

Ubiquitous location tracking for context-specific information delivery on construction sites (2008)
Journal Article
Behzadan, A., Aziz, Z., Anumba, C., & Kamat, V. (2008). Ubiquitous location tracking for context-specific information delivery on construction sites. Automation in Construction, 17(6), 737-748.

Construction projects are information-intensive in nature and require site personnel to have continuous on-demand access to information such as project plans, drawings, schedules, and budgets. Awareness of a user's context (such as user profile, role... Read More about Ubiquitous location tracking for context-specific information delivery on construction sites.