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Outputs (5)

Assessment and design of small-scale hydro-electric power plants (1988)
Jones, I. Assessment and design of small-scale hydro-electric power plants. (Thesis). University of Salford

Appraisal and design of small-scale hydro power plants requires a knowledge of hydraulics, hydrology, civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering, and basic economics. Further, small hydro is site specific in nature and marginal from an economic vi... Read More about Assessment and design of small-scale hydro-electric power plants.

The optimal selection of turbine-generators for tidal power projects and the optimization of their operation (1988)
Balls, M. The optimal selection of turbine-generators for tidal power projects and the optimization of their operation. (Thesis). University of Salford, UK

This thesis describes the development of a suite of computer
programs designed to evaluate the optimum operating strategy
for turbine-generators installed in a proposed tidal power
barrage. The computer models are of the single-tide type but
have... Read More about The optimal selection of turbine-generators for tidal power projects and the optimization of their operation.