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Outputs (16)

Risk-sensitive foraging in bitterlings Rhodeus sericus: effects of food requirement and breeding site quality (1990)
Journal Article
Young, R., Clayton, H., & Barnard, C. (1990). Risk-sensitive foraging in bitterlings Rhodeus sericus: effects of food requirement and breeding site quality. Animal Behaviour, 40(2), 288-297.

Risk-sensitive foraging preferences in bitterlings were examined in relation to changing food deprivation and intake relative to estimated requirement. When running above estimated requirement and presented with a choice of constant and variable feed... Read More about Risk-sensitive foraging in bitterlings Rhodeus sericus: effects of food requirement and breeding site quality.

Spatial solitary-wave optical memory (1990)
Journal Article
Mcdonald, G., & Firth, W. (1990). Spatial solitary-wave optical memory. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 7(7), 1328-1335.

We consider some features of spatial solitary-wave switching in a unidirectional ring cavity that is partially filled with a fast and saturably self-focusing nonlinear medium. Large (part-beam switched) solitary arrays are considered. It is found tha... Read More about Spatial solitary-wave optical memory.

The identification of Trypanosoma brucei subspecies using repetitive DNA sequences (1990)
Journal Article
Hide, G., Cattand, P., LeRay, D., Barry, J., & Tait, A. (1990). The identification of Trypanosoma brucei subspecies using repetitive DNA sequences. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 39(2), 213-225.

We describe the use of repetitive DNA probes to characterise the relationships between different stocks of African trypanosomes representing the subspecies of Trypanosoma brucei. Probes derived from the ribosomal RNA genes (coding region and non-tran... Read More about The identification of Trypanosoma brucei subspecies using repetitive DNA sequences.

Subsonic intake duct flows (1990)
Ho, S. Subsonic intake duct flows. (Thesis). University of Salford

Here both S-shaped and singly curved (here classified as S-shaped) duct diffusers for intakes in aeronautical propulsion systems are studied. The results are applicable in other situations where similar ducts occur; for example on V/STOL aircraft emp... Read More about Subsonic intake duct flows.

Active control of V/STOL aircraft (1990)
Hopper, D. Active control of V/STOL aircraft. (Thesis). University of Salford

Vertical/Short Take-Off arid Landing (V/STOL) fighter aircraft are
characterised by increased control complexity caused by the extra degree
ol freedom. This can result in a high pilot workload which may be
alleviated with the careful application o... Read More about Active control of V/STOL aircraft.

An experimental study of heat driven absorption cooling systems (1990)
Best Y Brown, R. An experimental study of heat driven absorption cooling systems. (Thesis). University of Salford

The great need for cooling combined with Mexico's large availability of low
enthalpy energy from non conventional energy resources such as geothermal
energy, solar heat and waste heat from industrial processes, makes it very
attractive to utilize... Read More about An experimental study of heat driven absorption cooling systems.

Gandhi and deep ecology : experiencing the nonhuman environment (1990)
Power, S. Gandhi and deep ecology : experiencing the nonhuman environment. (Thesis). University of Salford

The present study concentrates on the experience of
nature in the life of Mohandas K. Gandhi. This detailed
environmental biography of Gandhi follows him from the
early years in India, through his years in England as a
young man and on to South A... Read More about Gandhi and deep ecology : experiencing the nonhuman environment.

Gandhi and deep ecology : experiencing the nonhuman environment (1990)
Power, S. Gandhi and deep ecology : experiencing the nonhuman environment. (Thesis). University of Salford

The present study concentrates on the experience of
nature in the life of Mohandas K. Gandhi. This detailed
environmental biography of Gandhi follows him from the
early years in India, through his years in England as a
young man and on to South A... Read More about Gandhi and deep ecology : experiencing the nonhuman environment.