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Outputs (474)

Urban energy transitions (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Hodson, M. (2008, December). Urban energy transitions. Presented at Carbon Crucible, London

Comparison of conventional and catalytic in situ combustion processes for oil recovery (2008)
Journal Article
Abuhesa, M., & Hughes, R. (2009). Comparison of conventional and catalytic in situ combustion processes for oil recovery.

Laboratory in situ combustion experiments were performed to test the concept of using in situ combustion
to catalytically upgrade a medium-heavy Clair crude oil (19.8° API), using a low-pressure combustion cell.
Tests were performed for both noncat... Read More about Comparison of conventional and catalytic in situ combustion processes for oil recovery.

Pond density as a determinant of aquatic species richness in an urban landscape (2008)
Journal Article
Gledhill, D., James, P., & Davies, D. (2008). Pond density as a determinant of aquatic species richness in an urban landscape. Landscape Ecology, 23(10), 1219-1230.

Green spaces within urban areas provide services and benefits to human populations and habitat for a variety of species. Freshwater, in the form of rivers, canals, lakes, reservoirs and ponds, is an important component of urban greenspaces. This pape... Read More about Pond density as a determinant of aquatic species richness in an urban landscape.

Pond density as a determinant of aquatic species richness in an urban landscape (2008)
Journal Article
Gledhill, D., James, P., & Davies, D. (2008). Pond density as a determinant of aquatic species richness in an urban landscape. Landscape Ecology, 23(10), 1219-1230.

Green spaces within urban areas provide services and benefits to human populations and habitat for a variety of species. Freshwater, in the form of rivers, canals, lakes, reservoirs and ponds, is an important component of urban greenspaces. This pape... Read More about Pond density as a determinant of aquatic species richness in an urban landscape.

Exploring magic cottage: a virtual reality environment for stimulating children's imaginative writing (2008)
Journal Article
Patera, M., Draper, S., & Naef, M. (2008). Exploring magic cottage: a virtual reality environment for stimulating children's imaginative writing. Interactive Learning Environments, 16(3), 245-263.

This paper presents an exploratory study that created a Virtual Reality Environment (VRE) to stimulate
motivation and creativity in imaginative writing at primary school level. The main aim of the study was to
investigate if an interactive, semi-im... Read More about Exploring magic cottage: a virtual reality environment for stimulating children's imaginative writing.

Building assessment during disaster response and recovery (2008)
Journal Article
Peña-Mora, F., Aziz, Z., Chen, A., Plans, A., & Foltz, S. (2008). Building assessment during disaster response and recovery. Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning, 161(4), 183-195.

During disaster response and recovery operations,
civil engineers can be assigned a multitude of tasks
including triage of building search priorities, identifi cation
and evaluation of structural hazards, as well as the
development of appropriate... Read More about Building assessment during disaster response and recovery.

Building assessment during disaster response and recovery (2008)
Journal Article
Peña-Mora, F., Aziz, Z., Chen, A., Plans, A., & Foltz, S. (2008). Building assessment during disaster response and recovery. Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning, 161(4), 183-195.

During disaster response and recovery operations,
civil engineers can be assigned a multitude of tasks
including triage of building search priorities, identifi cation
and evaluation of structural hazards, as well as the
development of appropriate... Read More about Building assessment during disaster response and recovery.