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Outputs (443)

Implications of climate change and occupant behaviour on future energy demand in a zero carbon house (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The Birmingham Zero Carbon House is a retrofitted Victorian house that has achieved carbon negative performance. Future predictions of temperatures are showing an increase in Cooling Degree Days (CCD), even under a low carbon emissions scenario. This... Read More about Implications of climate change and occupant behaviour on future energy demand in a zero carbon house.

A scenario-based analysis of building energy performance (2013)
Journal Article
Caputo, S., Caserio, M., Coles, R., Jankovic, L., & Gaterell, M. (2013). A scenario-based analysis of building energy performance. Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning, 166, 326--348.

Inherent to the sustainability discourse is concern about the long-term future. If sustainable, cities must deliver positive benefits over their possibly long lifetime. Yet in formulating guidance and negotiating design choices for urban development,... Read More about A scenario-based analysis of building energy performance.

Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm for combined economic and emission dispatch including valve point effect (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

For economic and efficient operation of power system optimal scheduling of generators in order to minimize fuel cost of generating units and its emission is a major consideration. This paper presents hybrid approach of using Artificial Bee Colony (AB... Read More about Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm for combined economic and emission dispatch including valve point effect.

Correlates of red throat coloration in female stickleback and their potential evolutionary significance (2013)
Journal Article
Yong, L., Guo, R., Wright, D. S., Mears, S. A., Pierotti, M. E., & McKinnon, J. S. (2013). Correlates of red throat coloration in female stickleback and their potential evolutionary significance. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 15, 453-472

Background: In two stream-resident populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), females often exhibit male-typical red throat coloration. These fish inhabit the Little Campbell River (British Columbia) and Matadero Creek (Californi... Read More about Correlates of red throat coloration in female stickleback and their potential evolutionary significance.