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Revisiting open space provision in Beirut

Shayya, F


Profile image of Fadi Shayya

Dr Fadi Shayya
Lecturer in Architecture & Urbanism


In a country like Lebanon with a notorious reputation of being chaotic and hectic, it might be hard to believe that the professions which promote organisation and structure, such as urban design, have considerable impact on shaping urban settings. Yet, Beirut’s reconstructed downtown is probably the model that comes to mind most often, and is praised and critiqued in public discussions. A review of the current urban design scene in Beirut reveals insights into the intrinsic dynamics of this profession and its spatial manifestations. What might appear to be part of a global copy culture, in fact has a flip-side that reflects a range of contextual aspirations and lifestyles. Apart from images of chaos and idealism, urban design practice is capturing the vibes of the city and its residents, and transforming spaces accordingly. New developments are thriving in post-war Beirut to serve a growing population and an increasing market demand to invest in property. Through three new projects in municipal and metropolitan Beirut, this analysis looks at the dialectic relationship between urban design and social practices, which shapes contextually adapted understandings of place, though highly dependent on western design models and influenced by global trends.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 2012
Deposit Date Oct 26, 2022
Journal Urban Design
Print ISSN 1750-712X
Volume 124

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