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Personalised Care Interprofessional Education Framework (PerCIE) : social prescribing placement curriculum document and guiding principles for undergraduate/postgraduate health and social care students

Howarth, ML; Bayley, K; Brown, LA; Dunn, J; Evans, H; Farrah, A; Farrington, R; Hamilton-Bell, MR; Heggs, K; Jackson, C; Kershaw, M; Leigh, JA; Lindley, R; Sharp, S; Stephens, M; Sullivan, E; Ward, Jo; Williams, A; Williamson, T


ML Howarth

K Bayley

J Dunn

H Evans

A Farrah

R Farrington

MR Hamilton-Bell

K Heggs

C Jackson

M Kershaw

JA Leigh

R Lindley

S Sharp

E Sullivan

Jo Ward

A Williams

T Williamson


This Personalised Care Interprofessional Education (PerCIE) Framework has been designed to guide and support HEIs, and PEFs to enable health and social care students to learn about strengths-based approaches to health and wellbeing delivered by services that provide a social prescribing offer. It has been co-created by a network of experts from a broad range of professional backgrounds from seven universities (HEIs), Private Independent and Voluntary Organisations (PIVO sector also known as Voluntary Community Social Enterprise VCSE), National Social Prescribing Network Special Interest Group (SigSpn), Health Education England (Greater Manchester) and the NHS England (NHSe) Personalised Care team. It is underpinned by contemporary practice-based theory and evidence of impact from a range of successful UK projects. The PerCIE Framework is designed to enable universities to work in partnership with VCSE/PIVO partners to create collaborative and inclusive test beds for social action. It can help to support the generation of new socially connected learning opportunities that could provide rich and meaningful insight into health and health inequalities, our BAME communities and marginalised groups. It builds on and recognises the power of community resilience through asset-based working.

Report Type Project Report
Deposit Date Sep 7, 2021
Publicly Available Date Sep 7, 2021
ISBN 9781912337514


Persomised Care Interprofessional Education Framework PERCIE 978-1-912337-51-4.pdf (644 Kb)

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