R Allen
Free swimming : impact on physical activity behaviour of a borough-wide population
Allen, R
L Dugdill
O Flannery
Appropriate pricing strategies are believed to reduce economic barriers to physical activity
and enhance population-level participation.
This thesis aimed to investigate the influence of a change in pricing strategy for swimming
pool usage over a three year period (2008-2011).
A mixed methods approach was adopted incorporating secondary data analysis of a leisure
management database (Study 1); a questionnaire-survey for users and non-users of the Free
Swimming Initiative (FSI) (Study 2; «=529); and semi-structured interviews with
management associated with the FSI (Study 3; «=17); and scheme users and non-users (Study
4; «=34).
Study 1 indicated a positive response to a change in pricing strategy (+15.1% change in
visits), a significant finding against a national decline in swimming participation, although the
novelty of free swimming declined over time (-12.1%). There was an adverse reaction to the
mass FSI among the 65 and over (-19.2%) which concurred with the apparent user group
clashes documented in Studies 3 and 4. Based on the outcomes of Studies 2, 3 and 4 it seemed
unlikely that new users were attracted to the FSI owing to the under resourced marketing of
the service; the inconvenience of Borough pool closures; and the particular nature of
swimming which encompasses high barriers to participation such as proficiency and the
requirement for a specialised facility. Studies 3 and 4 concluded that the impact of the FSI on
the legacy of swimming was uncertain, yet total visits were lower upon the reintroduction of
the entry-fee (-5.4%) suggesting the FSI may have damaged previously established trends.
Findings suggest that entry-fee is a key element in the decision to exercise as there was a
positive participation response to a change in pricing structure. Participation increases could
have been maintained with the development of an appropriate swimming structure to entice
new swimmers and maintain the involvement of existing users.
Allen, R. Free swimming : impact on physical activity behaviour of a borough-wide population. (Dissertation). University of Salford
Thesis Type | Dissertation |
Deposit Date | Aug 12, 2021 |
Award Date | Mar 1, 2012 |
This file is under embargo due to copyright reasons.
Contact Library-ThesesRequest@salford.ac.uk to request a copy for personal use.
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