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Computation of unsteady generalized Couette flow and heat transfer in immiscible dusty and non‐dusty fluids with viscous heating and wall suction effects using a modified cubic B‐spine differential quadrature method

Chandrawat, Rajesh Kumar; Joshi, Varun; Beg, OA; Tripathi, Dharmendra

Computation of unsteady generalized Couette flow and heat transfer in immiscible dusty and non‐dusty fluids with viscous heating and wall suction effects using a modified cubic B‐spine differential quadrature method Thumbnail


Rajesh Kumar Chandrawat

Varun Joshi

Dharmendra Tripathi


AbstractIn this paper, the unsteady flow of two immiscible fluids with heat transfer is studied numerically with a modified cubic B‐spine Differential Quadrature Method. Generalized Couette flow of two immiscible dusty (fluid–particle suspension) and pure (Newtonian) fluids are considered through rigid horizontal channels for three separate scenarios: first for nonporous plates with heat transfer, second for porous plates with uniform suction and injection and heat transfer, and third for nonporous plates with interface evolution. The stable liquid–liquid interface is considered for the two immiscible fluids in the first two cases. In the third case, it is assumed that the interface travels from one position to another and may undergo serious deformation; hence the single momentum equation based on the volume of fluid method is combined with the continuum surface approach model, and an interface tracking is proposed. The flow cases are considered to be subjected to three different pressure gradients, of relevance to energy systems—namely, applied constant, decaying, and periodic pressure gradients. For each case, the coupled partial differential equations are formulated and solved numerically using MCB‐DQM to compute the fluids velocities, fluid temperatures, interface evolution. The effects of emerging thermo‐fluid parameters, that is, Eckert (dissipation), Reynolds, Prandtl, and Froude numbers, particle concentration parameter, volume fraction parameter, pressure gradient, time, and the ratio of viscosities, densities, thermal conductivities, and specific heats on velocity and temperature characteristics are illustrated through graphs.


Chandrawat, R. K., Joshi, V., Beg, O., & Tripathi, D. (2022). Computation of unsteady generalized Couette flow and heat transfer in immiscible dusty and non‐dusty fluids with viscous heating and wall suction effects using a modified cubic B‐spine differential quadrature method. Heat Transfer, 51(1), 99-139.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 3, 2021
Online Publication Date Aug 25, 2021
Publication Date Jan 1, 2022
Deposit Date Aug 5, 2021
Publicly Available Date Aug 25, 2022
Journal Heat Transfer
Print ISSN 2688-4534
Electronic ISSN 2688-4542
Publisher Wiley
Volume 51
Issue 1
Pages 99-139
Keywords Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes, Condensed Matter Physics
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Access Information : This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Chandrawat, RK, Joshi, V, Anwar Bég, O, Tripathi, D. Computation of unsteady generalized Couette flow and heat transfer in immiscible dusty and non-dusty fluids with viscous heating and wall suction effects using a modified cubic B-spine differential quadrature method. Heat Transfer. 2022; 51: 99- 139, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.


Heat Transfer ACCEPTED dusty flow cubic spline computationAUGUST 4TH 2021 .pdf (1.9 Mb)

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