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A16 Using whole-body counting to determine neutrophil trafficking and loss in COPD

Szczepura, K; Ruparelia, PR; Bilton, D; Chilvers, ER; Peters, AM


PR Ruparelia

D Bilton

ER Chilvers

AM Peters


COPD is an inflammatory condition of the airways characterized by airway neutrophilia. Using a whole-body-counter (WBC) we have assessed neutrophil trafficking and loss in COPD using small activities of 111In-labelled neutrophils. Patients were scanned in the WBC 45 min, 1, 2, 4, 7 and 10 days after injection of autologous 111In-labelled ‘pure’ neutrophils and whole-body 111In retention recorded. Using a single-slit collimator, bio-distribution was also recorded from the posterior projection as a count profile from head to toe. SPECT on another occasion with 99mTc neutrophils was used to validate bio-distribution. Mean retention at 10 days was: controls 89.3% (SEM 0.78) (n=12), COPD 88.9% (1.00) (n=10) and bronchiectasis 85% (2.69) (n=10). Profile data showed that the neutrophils initially localized to the liver/spleen region in all patients and thereafter redistributed to the pelvic and thoracic areas. SPECT (n=3) demonstrated that 19.6% of the thoracic uptake was in the lungs with the remaining signal in the rib and vertebral bone marrow. Whilst it is known that 111In-labelled neutrophils migrate to the lungs in COPD, mobilization into the airways and subsequent loss from the body is insufficient to quantify by WBC. This technique does provide accurate monitoring of neutrophil trafficking to the liver/spleen and BM compartments, however.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 34th Annual Meeting of the British Nuclear Medicine Society
Publication Date Mar 1, 2006
Deposit Date Feb 26, 2021
Journal Nuclear Medicine Communications
Print ISSN 0143-3636
Electronic ISSN 1473-5628
Publisher Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Volume 27
Issue 3
Pages 285
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Additional Information Event Type : Conference