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Accessibility in 360º video players

Hughes, CJ; Montagud, M


M Montagud


Accessibility is a key requirement for any multimedia tool and application. With the current trend
towards immersive experiences, such as Virtual Reality (VR) and 360o video, it becomes key that these
environments are adapted to be fully accessible. However, until recently the focus has been mostly on
adapting the existing techniques to fit immersive displays, rather than considering new approaches for
accessibility designed specifically for these increasingly relevant media experiences.
This paper surveys a wide range of 360o video players and examines the features they include for dealing
with accessibility, such as Subtitles, Audio Description, Sign Language, User Interfaces and other
interaction features, like voice control and support for multi-screen scenarios. These features have been
chosen based on guidelines from standardization contributions, like in the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) and the International Communication Union (ITU), and from research contributions for making
360º video consumption experiences accessible. The in-depth analysis has been part of a research effort
towards the development of a fully inclusive and accessible 360º video player. The paper concludes by
discussing how the newly developed player has gone above and beyond the existing solutions and
guidelines, by providing accessibility features that meet the expectations for a widely used immersive
medium, like 360º video.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 15, 2020
Online Publication Date Oct 22, 2020
Publication Date Aug 1, 2021
Deposit Date Oct 15, 2020
Publicly Available Date Oct 23, 2020
Journal Multimedia Tools and Applications
Print ISSN 1380-7501
Electronic ISSN 1573-7721
Publisher Springer Verlag
Volume 80
Issue 20
Pages 30993-31020
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Funders : Horizon 2020;Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities;ALMA Excellence Network
Projects : ImAc Project
Grant Number: 761974
Grant Number: IJCI-2017-34611
Grant Number: RED2018-102475-T


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