M Al-hajri
Framework development for public private partnership in affordable housing delivery in Saudi Arabia
Al-hajri, M
Prof Zeeshan Aziz Z.Aziz@salford.ac.uk
D Baldry D.Baldry@salford.ac.uk
With the adoption of the new Saudi Vision 2030, interest in public private partnership (PPP) has increased and the Saudi Government is seeking to build up private sector involvement in the provision of social services and infrastructure. Within this new strategy, PPP has been adopted as a vehicle for the delivery of affordable housing for middle-income groups and to solve the current Saudi housing challenges. However, there is a lack of published evidence on how PPP could contribute to better delivery of affordable housing in Saudi Arabia. Thus, the aim of this research is to understand how PPP could contribute towards improving the delivery of affordable housing for middle-income households, and to develop a framework for utilising PPP arrangements in Saudi Arabia.
In order to achieve this aim and gain an in-depth understanding of PPP in the housing sector, a critical review of the PPP literature in the housing sector was undertaken to identify which significant challenges are facing PPP implementation, leading to the formulation of the conceptual framework, which has been utilised as a guide to explore the challenge of the current implementation of Saudi PPP housing schemes. The Saudi Ministry of Housing has been used as a single case study and a qualitative research design has been employed, involving documentation and semi-structured interviews. Document review has been utilized to reflect the current practice of PPP in the Saudi housing sector. Data collection involved 14 interviews, which have been analysed to identify the significant challenges facing PPP implementation in the Saudi housing scheme.
Findings of this study indicate that the implementation of PPP for the delivery of affordable housing for middle income households in Saudi Arabia is challenged by 24 factors across the following three categories: Actors, Network, and Project. Based on these findings, an Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) framework was developed and validated to contribute towards improving the implementation of PPP for the delivery of affordable housing for middle-income households in Saudi Arabia. This research makes three contributions: firstly, the study explores the current implementation of PPP in the delivery of affordable housing in Saudi Arabia. Secondly, the study provides the hierarchy and the relationship between the different factors that challenge the implementation of PPP in the housing sector. Thirdly, the study provides an ISM-based framework to help improve the efficiency of the implementation of PPP in the Saudi housing sector. Finally, this research makes recommendations for both academics and decision-makers in the Saudi housing sector.
Al-hajri, M. Framework development for public private partnership in affordable housing delivery in Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Salford
Thesis Type | Thesis |
Deposit Date | Jun 15, 2020 |
Publicly Available Date | Jun 15, 2020 |
Award Date | Apr 25, 2020 |
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