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Physics-based virtual environment for training core skills in vascular interventional radiological procedures

John, NW; Luboz, V; Bello, F; Hughes, CJ; Vidal, FP; Lim, IS; How, TV; Zhai, J; Johnson, S; Chalmers, N; Brodlie, K; Bulpit, A; Song, Y; Kessel, DO; Philips, R; Ward, JW; Pisharody, S; Zhang, Y; Crawsgaw, CM; Gould, DA


NW John

V Luboz

F Bello

FP Vidal

IS Lim

TV How

J Zhai

S Johnson

N Chalmers

K Brodlie

A Bulpit

Y Song

DO Kessel

R Philips

JW Ward

S Pisharody

Y Zhang

CM Crawsgaw

DA Gould


Recent years have seen a significant increase in the use of Interventional Radiology (IR) as an alternative to open surgery. A large number of IR procedures commence with needle puncture of a vessel to insert guidewires and catheters: these clinical skills are acquired by all radiologists during training on patients, associated with some discomfort and occasionally, complications. While some visual skills can be acquired using models such as the ones used in surgery, these have limitations for IR which relies heavily on a sense of touch. Both patients and trainees would benefit from a virtual environment (VE) conveying touch sensation to realistically mimic procedures. The authors are developing a high fidelity VE providing a validated alternative to the traditional apprenticeship model used for teaching the core skills. The current version of the CRaIVE simulator combines home made software, haptic devices and commercial equipments.


John, N., Luboz, V., Bello, F., Hughes, C., Vidal, F., Lim, I., …Gould, D. (2008). Physics-based virtual environment for training core skills in vascular interventional radiological procedures

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 31, 2008
Deposit Date Feb 19, 2019
Journal Studies in Health Technology and Informatics : Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 16
Publisher IOS Press
Volume 132
Issue Jan 08
Pages 195-197
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Additional Information : ISBN: 978-1-58603-822-9