S Cryer
Towards an understanding of the barriers which prevent the routine engagement with urban green space
Cryer, S
The social, environmental, and economic benefits and services derived from urban green spaces have been extensively researched and are universally recognised (Forest Research, 2010; Lee & Maheswaran, 2010; Mitchell, 2013). Indeed, an affirmative association between green space exposure and user perceptions of physical health, and mental health and wellbeing, is generally accepted (Bertram & Rehdanz, 2015; Grahn & Stigsdotter, 2010). Lee and Maheswaran (2010) argue towards a positive correlation between green space interaction and a diversity of emotional and psychological benefits, consequently improving our quality of life. Hitchings (2010) presents the notion that urban dwellers will most certainly be aware of these benefits, but daily habits and practices prevent the routine engagement with green space by way of preoccupation. That is, we neglect or forget to include the experience of urban green space in our day to day life.
If the universal value of urban green spaces is to be increased, and the benefits of engaging with them is to have a greater social and economic impact on urban life, then more people need to experience urban green space more often. The principle aim of this research project was to explore the barriers which prevent the routine engagement with urban green space. The methodological approach utilised: site assessments and the creation of a bespoke field data collection instrument; participant diary analysis; semi-structured interviews and focus group analysis. Shove et al’s. (2010) concept of social practice theory was used to interpret common associated practices, leading to a set of recommendations for improvements or intervention relating to the wider incorporation of green space within the daily routine. These recommendations should be considered by decision makers involved with policy, place management, urban landscape design, social groups, commercial business, and institutions.
Cryer, S. (in press). Towards an understanding of the barriers which prevent the routine engagement with urban green space. (Dissertation). University of Salford
Thesis Type | Dissertation |
Acceptance Date | Sep 28, 2018 |
Deposit Date | Oct 3, 2018 |
Publicly Available Date | Sep 28, 2020 |
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