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Archaeological Excavation
Wellington Street,

Whittall, Kirsty

Archaeological Excavation
Wellington Street,
Bury Thumbnail


Kirsty Whittall


© Salford Archaeology: Archaeological Excavation: Wellington Street, Bury, 2015, (20). 4
Salford Archaeology (SA) was commissioned by Kier Construction on behalf of the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service to undertake an archaeological excavation on the land to the east of Wellington Street, Bury, Greater Manchester (centred at SD 79583 10525). This work was carried out in response to the findings of archaeological evaluations of the site produced by the Centre in 2013 (Maguire, 2013) and 2014 Cattell, 2014). Excavation areas were located to investigate the nature and extent of the remains associated with the 18th and 19th century Barlow’s Bleach Works and the19th and 20th century industrial sites of Elton Paper Mill and Victoria Mill as well as Victoria Row, a terrace of workers housing on the western side of the site. Open area excavations were carried out in the areas occupied by Elton Paper Mill, Victoria Mill and Victoria Row with a watching brief on the area occupied by Barlow’s Bleach Works.
Prior to the commencement of archaeological works an extensive geo-environmental investigation and testing regime was carried out. As a result of asbestos found during this programme and after consultation with the HSE regarding the remediation works required at the site, it was considered prudent to notify the scheme as Licensed Asbestos works. A licensed Asbestos removal contractor was appointed to supervise and remove fragment asbestos from within the soils as works progressed. As a result of health and safety measures to mitigate against contamination the excavation strategy was revised as high dust producing excavation techniques were prohibited. This did affect the ability of archaeological staff to carry out the excavation in the normal manner.
Despite the difficulties posed by the health and safety precautions, significant remains associated with the power systems of both mills and the 19th century workers housing including evidence of phased construction were uncovered in all the excavation areas. In particular the remains of the paper mill chimney and possible engine structures within Victoria mill were identified. Very little, however, was observed in the area highlighted for a watching brief to assess the remains of the Barlow’s Croft Bleach works as the construction of the later paper mill had removed all earlier features.



Other Type Teaching Resource
Deposit Date Oct 5, 2017
Publicly Available Date Oct 5, 2017
Additional Information Data type : Technical Reports
Location of work : Bury, Greater Manchester
Type of work : Excavation
Period : Post-Medieval


SA2015_No20_Wellington St Excav final.pdf (14 Mb)

Archaeological Excavation Wellington Street, Bury

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