HF Al-Dahash
Evaluating disaster response management stemming from war operations and terrorism in Iraq : a methodological approach
Al-Dahash, HF; Kulatunga, U
U Kulatunga
Iraq is exposed to numerous types of natural and man-made disasters. Because of economic sanctions, conflict, and war over the last few decades, the people of Iraq have suffered the consequences of economic stagnation and reduced access to essential services. One of the essential services that is crippled by war and post-war conflicts is disaster response management. As the institutional capacities to respond in an efficient manner were affected by the post war transitions, this paper is based on an ongoing PhD research, which aims to evaluate disaster response management stemming from war operations and terrorism in Iraq, as a method of enhancing disaster response management in Iraq. This paper will focus, particularly, on the methodological design of the above study and it will also elaborate on the philosophical stance taken and methodologies assumed to achieve the above aim.
Al-Dahash, H., & Kulatunga, U. (2017, September). Evaluating disaster response management stemming from war operations and terrorism in Iraq : a methodological approach. Presented at 13th International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPGRC), University of Salford, UK
Presentation Conference Type | Other |
Conference Name | 13th International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPGRC) |
Conference Location | University of Salford, UK |
Start Date | Sep 14, 2017 |
End Date | Sep 15, 2017 |
Publication Date | Sep 14, 2017 |
Deposit Date | Oct 2, 2017 |
Publicly Available Date | Oct 2, 2017 |
Publisher URL | http://conference.org.uk/international-research-week/post-graduates/ |
Additional Information | Event Type : Conference |
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