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A genetic algorithm for the P-median problem

Correa, ES; Steiner, MTA; Freitas, AA; Carnieri, C


ES Correa

MTA Steiner

AA Freitas

C Carnieri


L Spector


Facility-location problems have several applications in telecommunications, industrial transportation and distribution, etc. One of the most well-known facility-location problems is the p-median problem. This work addresses an application of the capacitated p-median problem to a real-world problem. We propose a genetic algorithm (GA) to solve the capacitated p-median problem. The proposed GA uses not only conventional genetic operators but also a new heuristic ''hypermutation'' operator proposed in this work. The proposed GA is compared with a tabu search algorithm.

Publication Date Aug 3, 2001
Deposit Date Feb 10, 2017
Series Title Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
Book Title GECCO-2001: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
ISBN 1558607749
Publisher URL

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