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Potential cyber-attacks against global oil supply chain

Nasir, MA; Sultan, S; Nefti-Meziani, S; Manzoor, U


MA Nasir

S Sultan

S Nefti-Meziani

U Manzoor


The energy sector has been actively looking into cyber risk assessment at a global level, as it has a ripple effect; risk taken at one step in supply chain has an impact on all the other nodes. Cyber-attacks not only hinder functional operations in an organization but also waves damaging effects to the reputation and confidence among shareholders resulting in financial losses. Organizations that are open to the idea of protecting their assets and information flow and are equipped; enough to respond quickly to any cyber incident are the ones who prevail longer in global market. As a contribution we put forward a modular plan to mitigate or reduce cyber risks in global supply chain by identifying potential cyber threats at each step and identifying their immediate counterm easures. © 2015 Centre for Multidisciplinary Research, Innovation and Collaboration (C-MRiC.ORG).


Nasir, M., Sultan, S., Nefti-Meziani, S., & Manzoor, U. (2015). Potential cyber-attacks against global oil supply chain. In 2015 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA) (1-7). IEEE.

Publication Date Jan 1, 2015
Deposit Date Dec 15, 2016
Pages 1-7
Book Title 2015 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA)
ISBN 9780993233807
Publisher URL

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