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GLRM: An improved grid-based load-balanced routing method for WSN with single controlled mobile sink

Liu, Q; Zhang, K; Shen, J; Fu, Z; Linge, N


Q Liu

K Zhang

J Shen

Z Fu

N Linge


Different from the previous duster-based structure, in this paper, we present a grid-based load-balanced routing method (GLRM) that aims to use a controlled sink to achieve load-balance in a non-uniform distributed network. Cell-header election of each cell is based on three parameters, i.e. the number of data packets that nodes need to relay, the Euclidean distance to the mid-point of cells and residual energy of each node, respectively. The GLRM also considers other factors that waste battery power, such as packet collision. Simulation results demonstrate that our routing method has shown better performance.


Liu, Q., Zhang, K., Shen, J., Fu, Z., & Linge, N. (2016). GLRM: An improved grid-based load-balanced routing method for WSN with single controlled mobile sink. In 2016 18th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) (34-38). IEEE.

Publication Date Jan 1, 2016
Deposit Date Dec 15, 2016
Pages 34-38
Book Title 2016 18th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT)
ISBN 978-8996865063
Publisher URL