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Using Compassion Focused Therapy as an adjunct to Trauma-Focused CBT for fire service personnel suffering with symptoms of trauma

Beaumont, EA; Durkin, M; McAndrew, SL; Martin, C

Using Compassion Focused Therapy as an adjunct to Trauma-Focused CBT for fire service personnel suffering with symptoms of trauma Thumbnail


M Durkin

SL McAndrew

C Martin


Background: Individuals working for the emergency services often bear witness to distressing events. This outcome study examines therapeutic interventions for Fire Service Personnel (FSP) experiencing symptoms of trauma, depression, anxiety and low levels of self-compassion.
Aims: To investigate the effectiveness of using compassion focused therapy (CFT) as an adjunct to trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (TF-CBT) in reducing symptoms of trauma, anxiety and depression and increasing self-compassion.
Method: A convenience sample (n=17) of participants, referred for therapy following a traumatic incident, were allocated to receive twelve sessions of either TF-CBT or TF-CBT coupled with CFT. The study employed a repeated measures design. Data were gathered pre and post-therapy, using three questionnaires (1) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; (2) Impact of Events Scale; (3) Self Compassion Scale-SF. Results: TF-CBT combined with CFT was more effective than TF-CBT alone on measures of self-compassion. Significant reductions in symptoms of depression, anxiety, hyper-arousal, intrusion and avoidance and a significant increase in self-compassion occurred in both groups post-therapy.
Conclusion: The study provides some preliminary evidence to suggest that FSP may benefit from therapeutic interventions aimed at cultivating self-compassion. Further research is warranted using a larger sample size and adequately powered randomised controlled trial, to detect statistically significant differences and to negate the risk of confound due to low numbers resulting in significant differences between groups at baseline. Using CFT as an adjunct to TF-CBT may help FSP, who bear witness to the distress of others, cultivate compassion for their own suffering.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 24, 2016
Publication Date Nov 29, 2016
Deposit Date Nov 14, 2016
Publicly Available Date May 29, 2017
Journal Cognitive Behaviour Therapist
Electronic ISSN 1754-470X
Publisher Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Volume 9
Pages e34
Publisher URL
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