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Visual management in production management : a literature synthesis

Tezel, BA; Koskela, LJ; Tzortzopoulos Fazenda, P

Visual management in production management : a literature synthesis Thumbnail


BA Tezel

LJ Koskela

P Tzortzopoulos Fazenda


Purpose- The purpose of this paper is to holistically discuss, explore and synthesise the key literature on Visual Management, an important, yet highly fragmented subject that is frequently referred in lean production accounts.
Research Methodology - An extensive literature review was conducted to classify the current literature, to explore the different aspects and limitations of the current discussions on the subject, to clarify in what ways Visual Management benefits manifest themselves in a workplace and to identify the future research focus.
Findings- Visual Management is an important close-range communication strategy based on cognitively effective information conveyance. This strategy has been frequently discussed in the production management literature. However, (a) the literature is fragmented as to the roles of Visual Management in a production setting, (b) the body of literature lacks integrated focus and cohesion with an abundance of related terminology from scholarly works and consultant books, (c) a practical VM tools taxonomy and a visual workplace implementation framework were presented (d) there is poor clarity with regards to the functions (benefits) that Visual Management may provide within organisations; nine conceptual Visual Management functions were proposed (e) a wide array of future research directions related to Visual Management was identified.
Originality/Value- This paper synthesises the key literature related to Visual Management, providing a conceptual picture of the current knowledge.


Tezel, B., Koskela, L., & Tzortzopoulos Fazenda, P. (2016). Visual management in production management : a literature synthesis. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 27(6), 766-799.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 8, 2016
Online Publication Date Aug 22, 2016
Publication Date Aug 31, 2016
Deposit Date Jun 10, 2016
Publicly Available Date Sep 27, 2017
Journal Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Print ISSN 1741-038X
Publisher Emerald
Volume 27
Issue 6
Pages 766-799
Publisher URL
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