KD Alogla
Progressive collapse resisting mechanisms of reinforced concrete structures
Alogla, KD; Weekes, L; Augusthus Nelson, L
Reinforced concrete (RC) buildings may be vulnerable to progressive collapse due to lack of
sufficient continuous reinforcement. Progressive collapse is a situation when local failure is
followed by collapse of adjoining members, which in turn causes global collapse, and can
eventually result in injuries or loss of life. Design of structures against progressive collapse
has not been an integral part of structural design. However, some guidelines such as General
Service Administration (GSA) and Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) guidelines have detailing
requirements to reduce the likelihood of progressive collapse. It is difficult to predict the
structural behaviour of building members during progressive collapse because the dynamic
nature of the event and the limited experimental tests conducted to understand the nature of
progressive collapse. Membrane action of beams and floors are important mechanisms of load
redistribution and progressive collapse resistance in the event of failure of load-bearing
elements. The behaviour of reinforced concrete beams under compressive and tensile
membrane action is not yet fully understood.
In order to investigate and quantify the structural resisting mechanisms of reinforced concrete
structures against progressive collapse, two large scale specimens have been tested under
quasi-static loading. Non-linear response is then converted into dynamic response (Pseudo–
Static response) using the energy equilibrium approach proposed by Izzuddin et al. (Izzuddin
et al., 2008)
A finite element model was developed using the finite element software package ANSYS
11.0 in order to numerically simulate structural behaviour of RC beam-column subassemblages
when load-carrying members are removed under the effect of abnormal loading.
A macro-model based approach was used in the finite element analysis by using beam
elements and a series of spring non-linear elements to capture the non-linear behaviour of
structural members associated with the redistribution of loads after column removal.
Numerical results were compared with those obtained from the experimental program. Test
results showed that the RC sub-assemblages would experience three mechanism stages,
flexural, compressive arch and catenary action stages to resist progressive collapse. Numerical
results showed a good agreement with the experimental results.
Presentation Conference Type | Other |
Conference Name | New Trends on Integrity, Reliability and Failure |
Start Date | Jul 24, 2016 |
End Date | Jul 28, 2016 |
Publication Date | Jan 1, 2016 |
Deposit Date | May 6, 2016 |
Publicly Available Date | Oct 11, 2016 |
Additional Information | Additional Information : Proceedings ISBN: 978-989-98832-5-3 Event Type : Conference Funders : Iraqi cultural attaché in London-UK |
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