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Disruptive innovation : a potential approach to transform public organisations’ performance in Iraq to successfully attract FDI

Al-Tameemi, KSA; Alshawi, M; Ahmed, V

Disruptive innovation : a potential approach to transform public organisations’ performance in Iraq to successfully attract FDI Thumbnail


KSA Al-Tameemi

M Alshawi

V Ahmed


Infrastructure development is considered a key facilitator for achieving economic growth in developing countries and has a direct impact on the growth and overall development of an economy. However, meeting the significant infrastructure investment needs will require greater involvement of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the forms of transactional companies (TNCs) and multinational companies (MNCs).

There are however a number of factors (external and internal) that affect the flow of FDI to developing countries. External factors include political, social and economic stability, market size, business conditions, etc. Internal factors are mainly related to the quality of the government institutions of the host country which is reflected by their level of transparency, bureaucracy and corruption. These institutional factors have a significant impact on the level of FDI inflows to developing countries. Such factors are a result of, rather than a cause for, an underdeveloped institutional framework.

In Iraq, development of infrastructure is conducted as part of the government procurement by the public sector organisations. The World Bank ranked Iraq 156 out of 189 countries in its 2015 overall “ease of doing business” category. Transparency International ranked Iraq 170 out of 175 in its 2014 Corruption Perception Index. There are number of business excellence models such as EFQM, PDCA and Baldrige, which can improve the current performance of organisations. However, this approach is a lengthy one and the implementation of which can jeopardise any improvement due to the lack of quick wins. Thus, this paper suggests that “Disruptive Innovations” can be a viable approach for improving the quality of Iraq government organisations in the shortest period possible and with less resistance to change. Such an approach can help achieve the commitment of top management to engage in a large scale public sector reform programme.


Al-Tameemi, K., Alshawi, M., & Ahmed, V. (2015, June). Disruptive innovation : a potential approach to transform public organisations’ performance in Iraq to successfully attract FDI. Presented at The 12th International Post-Graduate Research Conference in the Built Environment, Media City, Manchester

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name The 12th International Post-Graduate Research Conference in the Built Environment
Conference Location Media City, Manchester
Start Date Jun 10, 2015
End Date Jun 12, 2015
Acceptance Date Jun 1, 2015
Publication Date Jun 1, 2015
Deposit Date Dec 21, 2015
Publicly Available Date May 24, 2017
Publisher URL
Additional Information Event Type : Conference


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