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Preparing regional spatial strategy reviews on Gypsies and Travellers by regional planning bodies

Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of Birmingham; Salford Housing & Urban Studies Unit, University of Salford; Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam


University of Birmingham Centre for Urban and Regional Studies

University of Salford Salford Housing & Urban Studies Unit

Sheffield Hallam Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research


Under the new approach to planning for Gypsy and Traveller site provision, Regional
Spatial Strategies are to identify total pitch requirements at regional level, and allocate
these between Local Planning Authorities (LPAs). This allocation is to be on the basis of
Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessments produced by local authorities and a
strategic view of regional needs. In the changed context, research was commissioned by
Communities and Local Government in partnership with the Government Office for the
East of England and the Regional Assemblies for the East, South East and South West. The
research aims were to: produce a methodology which can be employed by Regional Planning Bodies
(RPBs) to benchmark the robustness and consistency of Gypsy and Traveller
Accommodation Assessments (GTAAs) covering their region and, where appropriate,
GTAAs in adjoining regions; develop a transparent and reliable method for translating the results of local GTAAs
into regional pitch requirements; support RPBs in the process of allocating pitch requirements between LPAs; apply the methods devised in the East of England – both to assist the East of
England Regional Assembly and to act as a ‘case study’ example for other regions.


Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, U. O. B., Salford Housing & Urban Studies Unit, U. O. S., & Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, S. H. (2007). Preparing regional spatial strategy reviews on Gypsies and Travellers by regional planning bodies

Report Type Technical Report
Publication Date Mar 1, 2007
Deposit Date Aug 10, 2015

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