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Manchester Jewish Housing Association : A study of the housing needs of the Jewish communities in Greater Manchester : Final report

Scullion, LC; Steele, A

Manchester Jewish Housing Association : A study of the housing needs of the Jewish communities in Greater Manchester : Final report Thumbnail


A Steele


There has been a Jewish community in Greater Manchester since the early 19th Century. Greater numbers of people migrated to the area during and after the Second World War when refugees and survivors of the Holocaust settled in a number of the boroughs. Indeed, the largest Orthodox Jewish community outside London is situated within the boundaries of Salford, Bury and Manchester. The overall aim of this study was to provide an assessment of the housing needs of Jewish communities in Greater Manchester. In particular, the study aimed to do the following: map population change, household sizes, types, ages and the location; examine whether there has been significant movement of the Jewish community; identify a range of demographic trends amongst the sample population, including housing circumstances and characteristics; identify any housing needs; explore economic circumstances and housing costs; identify housing expectations; explore future aspirations, focusing on longer term needs and aspirations of the household; assess the extent to which lifestyle, level of practice of religion or other reasons motivate or demotivate household movement; assess whether the existing home meets the current needs; and measure the level of community cohesion with the wider community in Manchester and measure the extent of anti-social behaviour, harassment, incidence and fear of crime.


Scullion, L., & Steele, A. (2011). Manchester Jewish Housing Association : A study of the housing needs of the Jewish communities in Greater Manchester : Final report

Report Type Project Report
Publication Date May 1, 2011
Deposit Date Jul 10, 2015
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2016
Additional Information Funders : Manchester Jewish Housing Association


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